Android's kernel is based on the Linux kernel's long-term support (LTS) branches. As of 2023[update], Android uses versions 4.14, 4.19, 5.4, 5.10 or 5.15 of the Linux kernel (and since modified Linux kernels are used, kernels are often named like android13-5.15 or android-4.19-stable).[189] The actual kernel depends on the individual device.[190]

The device codename is usually not visible to the end user, but is important for determining compatibility with modified Android versions. It is sometimes also mentioned in articles discussing a device, because it allows to distinguish different hardware variants of a device, even if the manufacturer offers them under the same name. The device codename is available to running applications under android.os.Build.DEVICE.[239]

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In the POC code that was provided above, an attacker serializes a class named AAdroid.os.BinderProxy and changes its name to android.os.BinderProxy after marshalling it, and before sending it to the system server.

Note that android_atomic_dec returns the value of the specified memory address before the decrement took place. So in order to invoke refs->mBase->onLastStrongRef(id) (blx r2), we must get refs->mStrong to get the value of 1.

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This is currently not a capability of the Meraki MDM due to Android not being a standardized operating system for all devices that run android. For example, just about every major vendor has their own "flavor" of Android that they custom-make and push to devices when they deem it ready. 006ab0faaa

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