Research Funding

Research Grants


PI on Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Grant (March 2022-August 2023) Workshop on Furthering University Collaboration to Support Data Gathering and Analysis in Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, and Energy Resiliency in collaboration with the APEC Energy Working Group/Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies/Expert Group on Clean Fossil Energy ($100,000).


PI on Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Grant (August 2019-January 2022) APEC Workshop on University Collaboration to Support Data Gathering and Analysis in Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in collaboration with the APEC Energy Working Group/Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies/Expert Group on Clean Fossil Energy ($100,000).


PI on Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Grant (May 2017-January 2018) Making the Case for Clean Energy Investments with Life-Cycle Impact Assessments in collaboration with the APEC Energy Working Group/Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies/Expert Group on Clean Fossil Energy ($75,565).


Co-PI on NSF Proposal (GEO/ATM-1460402 June 2014-July 2019) RUI: Collaborative Research: Aerosol Formation From Agricultural Volatile Organic Compounds in collaboration with Professor David Cocker, University of California Riverside, Dr. Phil Silva, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Dr. Matthew Nee and Dr. Rezaul Mahmood, Western Kentucky University, ($699,985).


PI on Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award, Chemical Mechanism for Particulate Matter Formation from Amines Utilized in Carbon Sequestration Technologies, August 2013-December 2019 ($60,000).


Co-PI on NSF Proposal (GEO/ATM-0849243) Collaborative Research: Reactions and Fate of Amines in the Atmosphere Emitted from Animal Feeding Operations in Collaboration with Dr. Phil Silva, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Professor David Cocker, University of California Riverside, July 2009–July 2011 ($460,101).


Co-PI on Large Keck Grant through the Joint Science Department Endowed Funds Genomic Profiling of Genes Involved in the Cellular Response Pathways to Environmental Pollution in Yeasts in collaboration with Professors Irene Tang and Gretchen Edwalds-Gilbert, January 2008–January 2011($30,000).


PI on Special American Business Internship Training (SABIT) grant from the Department of Commerce, June–July 2006 ($5,655).


Co-PI on Grant for student/faculty research collaborations through Scripps College Andrew W. Mellon Grant, Ambient Air Pollution: Concentration, Composition and the Link between Exposure and Socioeconomic Status, October 2005–May 2006 ($4,304).


Co-PI on National Science Foundation Grant (BCS-0214406) Collaborative Proposal: Perceptions of Risk From Nuclear Testing in Kazakhstan: A Comparative Study of Kazakh Villagers, Health Care Workers & Research Scientists in collaboration  with Professor Cynthia Werner, Texas A&M University, and Nurlan Ibraev, M.D., Director of “Densaulylyq” State Agency for Health Care in East-Kazakhstan Oblast, July 2002­–July 2005 ($144,400).


Co-PI on National Council for Eurasian and East European Research Grant Perceptions of Risk from Nuclear Testing in Kazakhstan: A Comparative Study of Kazakh Villagers, Health Care Workers, and Research Scientists in collaboration with Cynthia Werner and Nurlan Ibraev, January  2002July 2005 ($30,000).


American Academy for the Advancement of Science, Women’s International Science Collaboration Perceptions of Risk From Nuclear Testing in Kazakstan: A Comparative Study of Russian Villagers, Kazak Villagers and Kazakstani Scientists in collaboration with Cynthia Werner and Nurlan Ibraev, May–June 2001 ($8,000).



Pedagogical Grants


PI on Project Kaleidoscope/Association of American Colleges and Universities Grant (Awarded Honorable Mention) Increasing Underrepresented Student Participation in Computer Science & Related STEM Disciplines Using Community-Based Pedagogy in the Introductory Computer Science Curriculum in Collaboration with Professors Mike Erlinger, Zach Dodds, Brinda Sarathy, Norma Rodriguez, Bryan Thines, and Omar Safie ($34,278).


PI on National Science Foundation Grant (DUE 1356684- awarded April 2014) Pitzer College Mentors Enable, Connect, Help, Advocate, Nurture, Intervene, Sustain, and Motivate (MECHANISM) for SUCCESS in the Molecular Sciences in collaboration with Professors Tom Poon, Roberta Espinoza, and Dean of Faculty Muriel Poston ($602,422).


Co-PI on National Science Foundation Grant (DUE-0525574) Increasing Science Graduates Through Interdisciplinary Teaching and Research in collaboration with Professors Newton H. Copp, Gretchen Edwalds-Gilbert, Kersey A. Black, and Scot A. Gould, Joint Science Department, September 2005–August 2011 ($498,700).    


Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Enhancement of Environmental Science at the Joint Science Department in collaboration with Professors Gretchen Edwalds-Gilbert and James Higdon, Joint Science Department; and Dean Jerome Garris, Claremont McKenna College, 2005­–2008 ($285,000).