Making Music players

After installing Xubuntu Desktop minimal type or Xubuntu Core, now it is time to make a player. Here terminal must be used, which appeared to be troublesome for you, however, you can make a excellent network player by typing in the terminal window as follows.

After installation of Xubuntu, first thing to do is "opening terminal" from the menu icon.

Type there as follows after "$".

sudo apt update

After that, you need to type the password for root user. Then,

sudo apt upgrade -y

After while, type as follows.

sudo apt install mpc mpd audacious cantata alsa-utils alsa-tools refind xpad gnome-disk-utility -y

This will prepare almost you need for network player. Then you make your player upnp compatible by installing upmpdcli. You can install it by the method described for Debian.

Please visit upmpdcli home page. Then go to the Downloading site to find Debian. You need two files.

First, click Import the repository key and download the repository keyring. Save it in your download folder and copy. Then copy it into /usr/share/keyrings folder using terminal.

sudo cp paste /usr/share/keyrings/

then, go back to previous page and click Debian 11.x Bullseye. Downloaded file will be saved in Downloads folder. Copy the file into /etc/apt/sources.list.d folder using terminal.

sudo cp paste /etc/apt/sources.list.d/


sudo apt update

sudo apt install upmpdcli -y

You need prepare MPD as follows:

sudo nano /etc/mpd.conf

You should change the text of mpd.conf file as follows. Make sure "#" were removed as follows (means "comment out") and hw:0,0 to hw:1,0.

audio_output {

type "alsa"

name "My ALSA Device" # optional

device "hw:1,0" # optional

mixer_device "software" # optional

mixer_control "default" # optional

mixer_intex "0"


Then, make a folder in the Music folder and name it "SoundFiles". Copy the folder and move using terminal.

sudo mv paste /var/lib/mpd/music/

Then go to /var/lib/mpd/music folder and find the SoundFiles folder. Copy SoundFiles folder there.

Move the SoundFiles folder to the home using terminal.

sudo ln -s paste

You can copy sound files into the SoundFiles folder in your home.