Trout Unlimited

Position: NY Field Technician

Organization: Trout Unlimited

Dates of Employment: 6/1/2020 - 11/1/2020; 4/19/2021 - Present

Duties: Assessed stream crossings in the Upper Delaware River watershed for fish and aquatic organism passage using North American Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative (NAACC) non-tidal streams protocol. Assisted NYSDEC biologists with backpack electrofishing, PIT tagging, installation & maintenance of RFID antennas and water quality stations on various Catskill streams. Conducted habitat & woody debris assessments of rivers with stream restoration engineers, and lead redd count surveys with volunteers.

Installing fiber optic temperature sensing cables on Cadosia Creek with NY-TU volunteers and NYSDEC biologists.

A PIT/RFID antenna station upstream of a potential barrier site in Livingston Manor, NY.

A potential barrier to fish movement on a tributary to Willowemoc Creek, NY.