Christopher Pullano

MS Graduate Research Assistant - University of Nebraska - Lincoln


Welcome to my Google Site. Here, you will be able to read about my current research, background, professional experience, blog posts, view photos, and more. The intent of this page is to give colleagues and collaborators a better idea of my background & experience as it pertains to fisheries ecology. Currently, my research focuses on movements of Pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) in the Lower Platte River, Nebraska, using acoustic telemetry to better understand their reproductive ecology and inform future restoration activities. Feel free to reach out to me at regarding any of the information found on this page. All material provided on this page belongs directly to the publisher unless stated otherwise. Please contact me for permissions to use any of the images or videos published on this site.


Currently Hiring!

Pallid Sturgeon Technician Positions click here

Applications will be reviewed as they are submitted. Open until filled.