External resources

This isn't the only debate website! Here are some other great resources to help with your journey to learn about PF.

PF Videos Youtube channel


PF Videos is probably the single best channel for PF debate. It compiles round recordings and videos from top debate tournaments across the country, for you to watch at home.

Beyond Resolved educational resources



Not only does Beyond Resolved do tons of great services for the community, raising awareness and hosting events and whatnot, this educational resources page is great. It compiles a lot of other resources and links to their Youtube channel, which also has a ton of helpful resources. Some of the additional links they've got are mentioned here as well just because of how useful they are.



This is a very helpful website where former (and current!) debaters post their cases and blocks online for people to see, after at topic has ended. This can help you see how the very best teams make arguments, organize their files, and prepare for the topics that you may have debated yourself. As you improve, even if you think you're not "good enough," you should strongly consider posting your own prep too. It has basically no downside, and someone might really be helped out by what you can bring to the table.

PF Forward


This is an instructional website that focuses specifically on "progressive" or "policy-style" arguments in PF debate. It has a ton of in-depth explanations about the trends that you might see in national circuit tournaments, or in Texas. I highly recommend it if you want to learn more about more technical argumentation that you or your opponents may use in the future.

Debate Theory Library


This is a compilation of debate theory resources and pages. (PFers, don't be worried - it's not the "A is the interp" type of theory.) While many are in the context of policy and parliamentary debate, the ideas are still applicable to PF. As you debate more, you'll notice a lot of the structures of arguments are the same, and these articles should help you understand those basic structures and concepts much more effectively. Perhaps you'll find that there's a name for and literature behind a concept you implicitly knew existed!