Using Cite Creator

Installing Cite Creator

Cite Creator is a pretty helpful extension that automatically generates a citation on whatever website you're on, based on the data it can pull. Given this, it works well on some sites, such as news sources, and not as well on PDFs. Regardless of what it can pull, it helps to standardize citation formats across different computers, and I recommend it for anyone looking to save a little time typing out citations.

I use this on Chrome. I have no idea if it's available on other browsers. Installing it is easy, just go to this link and add it to Chrome.

Using Cite Creator

You'll notice a little black box at the bottom-right of every page you go to. That's where the extension generates the citation. (My citation is a little different from the default, but it's pretty much the same.) Notice that some of the information, such as the title and URL, got into the citation, but it didn't notice the correct date or the author.

You can manually edit the citation after copying and pasting it, or you can quickly add in information. Here, I notice the date is pretty accessible, and it's not in the citation. Highlight the date, then press Ctrl-Alt-3, and the correct date will be put into the citation. The same can be done with Ctrl-Alt-1 (for author name), Ctrl-Alt-2 (for author qualifications), Ctrl-Alt-4 (for article title), and Ctrl-Alt-5 (for publication).

When you're good to go, press Ctrl-Alt-C to copy the citation. (It might not do it on the first try, click on the black box then press Ctrl-Alt-C again to try again.) Go to wherever you're cutting that card and paste it in. It might help to format the author's name and date of the article in the Cite format (if you're using Verbatim), but that's optional. Double check to see if all the information is accurate.

Changing settings

Cite Creator has some helpful settings you can change.

The first few are pretty self-explanatory. If you check the first box, you can highlight some text in the article, then when you press Ctrl-Alt-C, instead of just copying the citation, you'll copy that text as well. If you check the second box, you can change where the black box on the bottom that displays the citation goes. If you check the third box, you'll toggle the rating for how good the citation is, i.e. how much of the relevant information it was able to find. If you check the last one, the citation font will be much bigger.

The next options let you change the format of the citation. You can see how the citation will look like, where the relevant information will be. However, for some, that information isn't enough, and you want to include a little more - that's where custom citation formats come in.

Custom citation formats

I personally use a custom format, but it's all a matter of preference. For most people, the standard format will work just fine. However, some things I wanted to add that weren't included was a date of access, my initials, and a different format at the beginning. A date of access is helpful to have proof of when you accessed the evidence, just in case something changed since then; adding initials is good when working with other people, so you can see who cut each card (especially when coaching people with a bad habit of misconstruing evidence); and the different format is a personal preference to make it easier to apply the Cite format in Verbatim.

Regardless of the reasons, creating a custom citation format is no big deal. You can see the different options there for the information Cite Creator can grab from a site (although %quals% has never worked for me). Put them in the order you want, divided by commas or dashes or whatever you want, and make sure it works for you.

One thing to notice is that any text you put in will stay. If you want to put "==CARD MASTERFULLY CUT BY NATHANIEL YOON==" at the end of every citation, you can, but you don't have to. This also means punctuation, parentheses, quotation marks, and whatnot will stay in your citation every time, so they can be used to organize the different parts, and you can add your initials at the end.