Assembly Bill 857, which took effect on January 1, 2020, creates a process for a local agency to establish a public bank, subject to specific requirements. Among other things, the bill requires a public bank to obtain a certificate of authorization to transact business as a bank from the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI) and to obtain Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insurance.

A public bank may engage in banking activities, including infrastructure lending, wholesale lending, participation lending, and certain retail activities. A public bank may not compete with local financial institutions or engage in certain retail activities without partnering with a local financial institution.

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We have also added new employees and expanded the existing capacity of the Public Engagement Group. For example, historically our Regional Executives, who lead our branch offices and branch boards and engage business and civic leaders, had other operational duties at the Bank. As part of the realignment, Regional Executives are now dedicated to public engagement full-time. We are also recruiting for a new position to focus on engagement with Native American, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian communities, recognizing the importance of having dedicated professionals with expertise on issues specific to indigenous communities. In addition, we have a community development engagement team that works directly with public, private, and nonprofit partners across the Twelfth District to expand economic opportunity for low- and moderate-income communities and communities of color.

Putting our expanded public engagement into practice, we recently conducted a series of listening sessions on inflation across the Twelfth District to help deepen our understanding of the impact of rising prices.

The San Juan County Conservation Land Bank (Land Bank) is pleased to invite the community to participate in shaping its emerging Strategic Plan. This document will guide the Land Bank in conservation efforts, stewardship priorities, and community engagement for the next six years. With a goal of building a foundation of collaboration and engagement, the Land Bank has been conducting interviews, hosting public meetings, and is now distributing this online survey (below) to collect input from residents, businesses, local elected officials, and staff.

Land Bank staff and commissioners are now seeking broad community input by hosting a month-long, anonymous survey. Click here to begin the survey. The survey takes 10 minutes to complete and includes questions about potential future acquisitions and stewardship priorities, including managing for public access and reducing fire risk. The survey will be open through January 6, 2024.

Divestment campaigns can be a great way to engage the public on the nuclear weapons issue. Previous divestment campaigns have played a significant part in bringing about positive change in society. Divestment campaigning is a way to engage the general public and a way for people to feel connected to creating change. Almost every member of the public has a bank account or is part of a pension plan: Therefore, if their bank or pension fund invest in nuclear weapon producers, so do they. Divestment campaigns are a way to bring an abstract issue such as nuclear disarmament back to personal decisions on where people put their own money.

There is increased awareness among the public about the way financial institutions behave and how they invest their money. There are a number of reasons for this, including the recent financials crisis and calls for austerity as well as the growing trend towards ethical investment. Investment with impunity is no longer the norm. Most people, especially those living in countries without nuclear weapons weapons, would be shocked to know that their money is going towards the maintenance and modernisation of these weapons.

Many of the ideas for campaign actions in this guide are inspired by others. Notably campaigners of the Cluster Munition Coalition who successfully changed bank policies and practices on cluster bombs. Other ideas come from ICAN partners who are already actively engaged in changing financial institution policies on nuclear weapons.

Divestment campaigns can be a cross cutting campaigning effort for a range of humanitarian disarmament initiatives, and a way to engage with new actors in your civil society. Social media and networking are also useful ways to engage the public in campaign actions.

Campaigners working with a national fair banking coalition (Eerlijke Bankwijzer) launched a nationally focused report and presented it to members of parliament and the public. PAX, as one of the Eerlijke Bankwijzer members also coordinated an opera, calling on banks to divest.You can watch the video of the opera here:

You can also ask people to sign onto postcards at cash machines from that financial institution. During the cluster munitions campaign, people stood next to the ATM machines and asked customers to sign a postcard requesting ABN Amro divest from cluster munitions producers. It created public awareness, and public pressure on ABN Amro, who then divested.

How to Begin: Let the financial institution know who you are. Do you hold a bank account with them? Are you a member of their superannuation plan? Do you own shares in their company? Are you writing as a representative of a particular organization? Are you simply a concerned citizen?

What to Include: Inform the financial institution that you are aware of their investments in nuclear weapons companies. Specify which companies and briefly describe the activities these companies are engaged in. Outline why you believe that financing nuclear weapons is illegitimate.

I am writing to you as a concerned customer of your bank. I recently read a report indicating that your bank has provided capital loans to three companies involved in the production of nuclear weapons.

The support of your bank and other financial institutions will be crucial to the success of worldwide efforts to abolish nuclear weapons. I hope that you will assist rather than impede efforts to eliminate this ultimate threat to our future.

Permission is granted for non-commercial reproduction, copying, distribution, and transmission of this publication or parts thereof so long as full credit is given to the coordinating project organization (PAX), editor (Snyder), and relevant authors (Beenes | Snyder); the text is not altered, transformed, or built upon; and for any reuse or distribution, these terms are made clear to others.

Document Summary: This guide reviews the necessary steps to successfully engage and manage a public-private partnership (PPP) from the early stages. It presents a framework that highlights the requirements, options, and challenges that governments face when embarking into PPPs, and explains how to address them so that a sound PPP program can be implemented and the benefits for both public and private partners can fully materialize.

The Head of GRPP is responsible for administration and supervision of the PACs, with oversight by the PRC. PAC contributions are reported to and made publicly available by the Federal Election Commission and relevant State or local election authorities in accordance with applicable law. The Firm publishes a summary of PAC contributions on our Political Engagement Report. In the event that the Firm identifies a substantial misalignment between issues of importance to the firm and recipients of political contributions, the Firm will disclose the information in the annual Political Engagement Report.

Citizens play a critical role in advocating and helping to make public institutions more transparent, accountable, and effective, and contributing innovative solutions to complex development challenges.

Growing evidence suggests that, under the right conditions, meaningful forms of citizen engagement and social accountability (CESA) can result in better governance, citizen empowerment, more positive and constructive citizen-state relations, strengthened public service delivery, and, ultimately, enhanced development effectiveness and well-being.

In recent years, global research and practice have placed increased emphasis on how to make citizen engagement and social accountability practices more strategic and effective. The increasing complexity of policymaking and the failure to find adequate solutions to some of humanity's most serious and pressing problems - such as climate change, health emergencies, growing inequality, conflict, and violence - have prompted governments, development institutions, civil society organizations (CSOs) and citizens to rethink how to engage in dialogue, share decision-making and collective action that is more meaningful and impactful. Increased attention has been paid to understanding and addressing obstacles to effective engagement and analyzing what works and why.

The World Bank also recognizes the critical role that civil society organizations (CSOs) play in the accountability landscape of its projects and the broader development finance community. CSOs have been at the forefront of promoting CESA, advocating for transparency, and monitoring government performance. The Global Partnership for Social Accountability (GPSA), a multi-donor trust fund and convening platform hosted at the World Bank, has focused on supporting CSOs to enhance their capacity to engage with governments and development partners, and in promoting social accountability. By building the capacity of CSOs to participate in governance processes, advocate for better policies, and monitor service delivery, the GPSA is helping to bridge the gap between citizens and governments, and ultimately contributing to improved development outcomes. The GPSA works on a diverse set of governance issues such as climate, anti-corruption, health and education. Based on the findings of a thorough independent evaluation to be completed in April 2023, the GPSA evolution hopes to work in concert with the systems approach for citizen engagement, supporting CSOs and strengthening approaches to better integrate civil society, citizen engagement and social accountability in country systems to improve global public goods delivery in IDA and IBRD countries. ff782bc1db

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