Agrarian Union of Ukraine

05.02.2023-07.02.2024 - the traditional seminar for top managers of PU AUU members in Shidnytsya (Karpaty) this time was devoted to the most urgent issue of starting the second round of the land reform, taxation during the war, protecting workforce from mobilisation. Opening the event, Gennadyi Novikov, the head of the PU conveys greetings from the Military Forces of Ukraine for donations made by PO AUU members. Taras Vysotskiy, the deputy minister answered current questions of the PU AUU members.

19.12.2023 - the head of PO AC AUU Larysa Starikova presented the position of PU AUU concerning the second round of land market opening (upper limit for sale 10 000 ha, permission for companies to buy agricultural land without any demands) at the meeting in Euro Integration Committee of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

15.12.2023 - the head of PO AC AUU Larysa Starikova presented the vision on harmonising agrarian policy of Ukraine and the EU at the 14th meeting of European Economic and Social Committee 

brief of the message

14.12.2023 - leaders of Ukrainian business associations of small and middle agrarian business at the press-conference against opening the land market for juridical entities and 10 000 ha limit for the agriculture land subjected to sale 


26.08.2023-02.09.2023 - the traditional seminar for top managers of PU AUU members in Shidnytsya (Karpaty) has elaborated positions for the next PU AUU activity in the directions of fixing war damage and ways to restore productivity, land sale, taxation, reservation of labour force, priorities and procedures for the after-war recovery and other issues

06.06.2023 - the head of PO AC AUU Larysa Starikova and the head deputy of PU AUU Igor Braginets announced establishing of two daughter business entities of PU AUU - Centre for Trading Damage Calls, Ltd. and Centre for Reconstruction, Ltd. at the meeting of the PU AUU council

12.02.2023-22.02.2023 - at the traditional seminar for top managers of PU AUU members in Khmilnyk (Vinnytsya region) the key issues of profile agrarian activity were discussed among members of PU AUU and the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food officials 

31.07.2022 - the head of PU AUU Gennadiy Novikov presided at the meeting of PU AUU regional office in Vinnytsya aimed to discuss the number of urgent current issues and to elaborate ways for overcoming difficulties

02.06.2022 - the head of PU AUU Gennadiy Novikov presents position of PU AUU on the issue of opening of land market for companies and enlarging limit for sale to 10 000 ha to 'The Ukrainian Farmer' journal

text of the interview