The Learning Lab

Pui Tze Sian, Ph.D.

Senior Lecturer, Biomedical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

As a Bioengineering instructor, I've had the honor of leading educational projects focused on medical device innovation. These projects mainly involve creating interfaces and electronic control systems. I've also started a mentorship program to help undergraduate students explore research and entrepreneurship opportunities. 

I'm studying medical diagnostic and rehabilitation technologies, and my main focus right now is creating a high-tech digital platform for remote physical therapy. This platform uses computer vision technology powered by artificial intelligence to track patients' exercises, ensure they stick to their routines, and measure joint movement accurately. 


2011    PhD (Biomedical Engineering), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

2004    MSc (Medical Physics), University Malaya, Malaysia

2003    BSc (Hons) in Health Physics, University Technology of Malaysia


Undergraduate courses 

CB 1117    Engineering Mathematics (co-teach with Prof Tej)

BG 2104 Electronics for Biomedical Engineers

BG 3102 Control in Biosystems (co-teach with Prof Yin Xunyuan)

BG 3104    Biomedical Imaging (co-teach with Prof Ling Tong)

BG 3105    Biomedical Instrumentation (co-teach with Prof Chen Peng)

BG 3103    Signal Processing (co-teach with Prof Julian Chan) 

BG 4313   Global Medical Device Regulatory Overview (co-teach with Prof Jack Wong)

Postgraduate course

BG7002   Molecular Biophysics

BG6004 Biomedical System Design



Office: N1.3 B2-12

Phone: +65-6790 4485


Address: School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering (SCBE), Nanyang Technological University, N1.3-B2-12, , 62 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 637459