2023 Field Season

We returned to Prasat Baset in June-July 2023 as part of our NSF funded project in collaboration with Cambodia's Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts. During this field season, we continued excavation at one trench that we had not finished in 2022 and opened additional new trenches in locations across the northern part of Baset village. We had not yet investigated this area and sought to determine the nature and timing of occupation in these areas. Additionally, we were joined by several reserach specialists who are contributing their expertise to our project. 

We also hosted a day to disseminate our archaeological research that featured a tour of our site and display of some of our finds for local villagers and high school students, students from the University of Battambang, and colleagues from the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts. Below are some highlights from our field season. We were honored that this event was presided over by His Excellency Prak Sonnara from the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts. 

His Excellency Prak Sonnara, Mr. Leng Vitou, and Dr. Alison Carter during the presentation of excavation research results event.

Dr. Dan Penny takes a soil core from an Angkorian water storage tank near the Baset temple.

Dr. Jared Kowlessar explains GRP to Mr. Kim Sophorn (Director of the Department of Culture Battambang) as well as representatives from the Battambang Governor's office and a representative from the Heritage Police.

Dr. Miriam Stark and Phorn Sovibol discuss an excavation trench at Baset.

Sheila Fernandez Barrientos and Teav Sreyniet draw stratigraphy in their trench.

Zachary Dierks and Um Vutha work on drawing stratigraphy.