Current Events


Transforming Our Communication Series with Jen Gergen 

A three-session series on Nonviolent Communications from a decolonized & antiracist lens focuses on how we can engage our disagreement and challenging conversations with honesty, compassion, and self-awareness. A follow-up/deepening series extending this learning will take place in 2025. This first series of events will take place on Saturdays this fall: October 12, November 9, and December 7 from 9am-1pm. This series is free for all PTCA congregations. A light breakfast with coffee and lunch will be provided. Registration forthcoming!

Covenant Network of Presbyterians Conference 

This will be a joint event combining our fall antiracism gathering and the Covenant Network's conference, where will gather to think about, among other things, our call to intersectional action and engagement around race, gender diversity, and sexual orientation, and beyond. Click HERE to add this event to your calendar. This event also has no charge to attend. Registration forthcoming.

Our great Spring 2024 Events!


Check back soon for even more! 

For more information, check out the latest Emerge from the PTCA for more information, or connect with Anna Kendig Flores, Antiracism Coordinator, at