Post-Doctoral Positions

Psych Jobs 2024-2025

Welcome to the Postdoc Positions page. All jobs listed below are postdocs positions. If the start dates are not Spring 2025 or Fall 2025, you will see an asterisk next to the university indicating it is or likely is a Summer or Fall 2024 start date.

Job calls are organized so that the newest posts are at the top of each section. If a job has a strikethrough, it means that the job search was concluded or cancelled. Within each post, you will find the name of the university (with a little description of the type of psychology called for), the job ad link, the application review date (if provided), and the start date (if provided). If the post is cross-listed, the information in the parentheses at the end will include in which other categories the job is posted. 

In order to keep this page current and up-to-date, we rely on the visitors of the site, like you!, to submit job postings. When you see calls for psychology jobs and/or when you receive updates on jobs you've applied for, you can submit an anonymous form to help us keep the site up-to-date. See the links below for these forms. The website will be updated every Tuesday and Friday by end of day. If you have any questions or concerns, please email the site managers: Alyssa Lawson @ or Amedee Martella @

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*Kansas State University  (investigate research problems and conduct high-end impactful research in the areas of community resilience, community development, social equity and/or applied behavioral analysis in the context of climate change, natural disasters and hazards, and extreme weather in Kansas), job ad; Review deadline: open until filled (cross-listed: behavioral, community, human factors, social)


Kaiser Permanente Northern California Division of Research (interdisciplinary postdoctoral program, supervision towards licensure is available for clinical psychology fellows); job ad; Review deadline: 11/08/2024 by 5pm PT; Start date: July 2025

*Arizona State University (join Arizona Twin Project - longitudinal modeling of risk and resilience processes for mental and physical health outcomes), job ad; Review deadline: 08/15/2024 (cross-listed: clinical, dev)

*UC San Diego (externalizing psychopathology, substance use, and/or parenting in children and adolescents); job ad; Review deadline: Not specified; Start date: as soon as possible

*Emory University (decision making and depression and anxiety disorders); job ad; Review deadline: ongoing

*UC San Francisco (VA Advanced Postdoctoral Fellowship in Women's Health); job ad; Review deadline: rolling basis  (Cross-listed: Clinical, Neuro)


*Bar Ilan University (3 year position in cognitive computational science); job ad; Review deadline: Not specified (cross-listed: cog, neuro)

*Gallaudet University (NSF-funded project on impact of language modality on development and neurocognitive mechanisms of arithmetic reasoning in deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing individuals); job ad; Review deadline: ongoing (cross-listed: Cog, Neuro)

*University of California Santa Barbara (cognitive development); job ad; Review deadline: next review is 6/12/2024 and final review is 9/30/2024; Start date: 9/2024 or later (Cross-listed: Cog, Dev)

University of Georgia (Cognitive Psychology/ STEM Education); job ad; Review deadline: ongoing; Start date: 8/2024-Spring 2025 (Cross-listed: Cog, Ed&School)


*Kansas State University  (investigate research problems and conduct high-end impactful research in the areas of community resilience, community development, social equity and/or applied behavioral analysis in the context of climate change, natural disasters and hazards, and extreme weather in Kansas), job ad; Review deadline: open until filled (cross-listed: behavioral, community, human factors, social)


*Arizona State University (join Arizona Twin Project - longitudinal modeling of risk and resilience processes for mental and physical health outcomes), job ad; Review deadline: 08/15/2024 (cross-listed: clinical, dev)

*University of California Santa Barbara (cognitive development); job ad; Review deadline: next review is 6/12/2024 and final review is 9/30/2024; Start date: 9/2024 or later (Cross-listed: Cog, Dev)

Diversity Science

Educational & School

University of Georgia (metacognition and motivation in biology education); job ad ; Review deadline: ongoing; Start date: 8/2024-01/2025

University of Georgia (Cognitive Psychology/ STEM Education); job ad; Review deadline: ongoing; Start date: 8/2024-Spring 2025 (Cross-listed: Cog, Ed&School)


*University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2 years, human sexuality, focus on psychophysiological, endocrine, and/or immune biomarker measures); job ad; Review deadline: 7/15/2024 

*UC San Francisco (VA Advanced Postdoctoral Fellowship in Women's Health); job ad; Review deadline: rolling basis  (Cross-listed: Clinical, Neuro)

Human Factors & Engineering Psychology

*Kansas State University  (investigate research problems and conduct high-end impactful research in the areas of community resilience, community development, social equity and/or applied behavioral analysis in the context of climate change, natural disasters and hazards, and extreme weather in Kansas), job ad; Review deadline: open until filled (cross-listed: behavioral, community, human factors, social)

Industrial-Organizational (I-O)

Neuroscience & Biopsychology

*Bar Ilan University (3 year position in cognitive computational science); job ad; Review deadline: Not specified (cross-listed: cog, neuro)

*Gallaudet University (NSF-funded project on impact of language modality on development and neurocognitive mechanisms of arithmetic reasoning in deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing individuals); job ad; Review deadline: ongoing (cross-listed: Cog, Neuro)\

*UC San Francisco (VA Advanced Postdoctoral Fellowship in Women's Health); job ad; Review deadline: rolling basis  (Cross-listed: Clinical, Neuro)


Social & Personality

*Kansas State University  (investigate research problems and conduct high-end impactful research in the areas of community resilience, community development, social equity and/or applied behavioral analysis in the context of climate change, natural disasters and hazards, and extreme weather in Kansas), job ad; Review deadline: open until filled (cross-listed: behavioral, community, human factors, social)

UC San Diego (lab studies person perception, social cognition, computational modeling, & more); job ad; Review deadline: rolling basis; Start date: "to start in a year or so"
