Research Papers

Phillip Si, Allan Bishop, Volodymyr Kuleshov

ICLR 2022 Spotlight

Numerous applications of machine learning involve representing probability distributions over high-dimensional data. We propose autoregressive quantile flows, a flexible class of normalizing flow models trained using a novel objective based on proper scoring rules. Our objective does not require calculating computationally expensive determinants of Jacobians during training and supports new types of neural architectures, such as neural autoregressive flows from which it is easy to sample. We leverage these models in quantile flow regression, an approach that parameterizes predictive conditional distributions with flows, resulting in improved probabilistic predictions on tasks such as time series forecasting and object detection. Our novel objective functions and neural flow parameterizations also yield improvements on popular generation and density estimation tasks, and represent a step beyond maximum likelihood learning of flows. 


Phillip Si, Zeyi Chen, Subham Sekhar Sahoo, Yair Schiff, Volodymyr Kuleshov

ICML 2023

Training normalizing flow generative models can be challenging due to the need to calculate computationally expensive determinants of Jacobians. This paper studies the likelihood-free training of flows and proposes the energy objective, an alternative sample-based loss based on proper scoring rules. The energy objective is determinant-free and supports flexible model architectures that are not easily compatible with maximum likelihood training, including semi-autoregressive energy flows, a novel model family that interpolates between fully autoregressive and non-autoregressive models. Energy flows feature competitive sample quality, posterior inference, and generation speed relative to likelihood-based flows; this performance is decorrelated from the quality of log-likelihood estimates, which are generally very poor. Our findings question the use of maximum likelihood as an objective or a metric, and contribute to a scientific study of its role in generative modeling.  


ECGBERT: Understanding Hidden Language of ECGs with Self-Supervised Representation Learning

Seokmin Choi, Sajad Mousavi, Phillip Si, Haben G. Yhdego, Fatemeh Khadem, Fatemeh Afghah


In the medical field, current ECG signal analysis approaches rely on supervised deep neural networks trained for specific tasks that require substantial amounts of labeled data. However, our paper introduces ECGBERT, a self-supervised representation learning approach that unlocks the underlying language of ECGs. By unsupervised pre-training of the model, we mitigate challenges posed by the lack of well-labeled and curated medical data. ECGBERT, inspired by advances in the area of natural language processing and large language models, can be fine-tuned with minimal additional layers for various ECG-based problems. Through four tasks, including Atrial Fibrillation arrhythmia detection, heartbeat classification, sleep apnea detection, and user authentication, we demonstrate ECGBERT's potential to achieve state-of-the-art results on a wide variety of tasks. 
