

Iteratively Designing a Mobile App for Measuring In-Group Out-Group Bias with Preschool Children (PDF) 

joint with Anne Elsassär, Anna Riedmann, Christina Felfe, and Birgit Lugrin in Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference (pp. 119–132). Association for Computing Machinery, 2024.

Working Paper

Peer Effects in Labor Supply (PDF) 

submitted and single-authored, job market paper

Abstract: This study investigates peer effects in labor supply. Using a representative longitudinal survey of US adolescents which includes data on friendships and combining a difference-in-differences approach and a social interaction model with network structure, I provide a causal estimate of the effect of peer labor supply on individual labor supply. I find a significant social multiplier of approximately 1.07, and provide suggestive evidence that peer effects are due to social norm compliance rather than information transmission mechanisms. Further analyses suggest that the behavior of higher socioeconomic status individuals produces larger labor supply externalities.

Changing Gender Norms across Generations: Evidence from a Paternity Leave Reform (PDF) 

joint with Lídia Farré, Christina Felfe, and Libertad González, reject and resubmit at the Journal of Political Economy

Abstract: Social norms are an important barrier to gender convergence. We show that public policy designed to promote gender equality at home can pave the way towards gender convergence by shaping gender norms in the next generation. We combine the introduction of paternity leave in Spain with a large-scale lab-in-the field experiment in secondary schools. Following a local difference-in-differences approach, we show that children born after the policy change exhibit more gender egalitarian attitudes and perceive less stereotypical social norms. They are also more likely to engage in counter-stereotypical day-to-day behaviors and to deviate from the male-breadwinner model in the future.

Work in Progress

Early Origins of Social Cohesion in Increasingly Diverse Societies (Link)

ERC Project by Christina Felfe and joint with Judith Saurer, Maike Schlosser, and Pia Schilling 

Pushing Through or Slacking Off ? Heterogeneity in the Reaction to Rank Feedback

joint with Florian Hett and Felix Schmidt

Strategic Self-deception in Repeated Interactions

joint with David Poensgen