Lídia Farré
Submit your work to the Special Issue on Gender in the Economy of SERIES. Deadline: November 30, 2024. Guest editors: Lídia Farré and Judit Vall.
Keynote speech at "Nobel d'Economia 2023, a Claudia Goldin: Per què persisteixen les bretxes de gènere al mercat de treball?" (here)
My job explained to Clara (in Catalan)
Welcome to my webpage!
I am a Tenured Scientist at the Institut d’Anàlisi Econòmica of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (IAE-CSIC), Affiliated Professor at the Barcelona School of Economics, and the Program Director of the Economics of Public Policy Master (BSE). I am also a Research Fellow at IZA and External fellow at CReAM (UCL). I hold a PhD in Economics from the EUI (Florence, 2006).
My research interests are in the field of Labor and Public Economics with a particular focus on Gender Economics. I am Associated Editor of SERIEs – The Journal of the Spanish Economic Association and lead several research projects related to gender in the labor market.