Lídia Farré


Welcome to my webpage!

I am a Tenured Scientist at the Institut d’Anàlisi Econòmica of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (IAE-CSIC), Affiliated Professor at the Barcelona School of Economics, and the Program Director of the Economics of Public Policy Master  (BSE). I am also a Research Fellow at IZA and External fellow at CReAM (UCL). I hold a PhD in Economics from the EUI (Florence, 2006). 

My research interests are in the field of Labor and Public Economics with a particular focus on Gender Economics. I am Associated Editor of SERIEs – The Journal of the Spanish Economic Association and lead several research projects related to gender in the labor market financed by different institutions such as La Caixa and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. I was the president of COSME in 2022 and I am currently a Council Board Member of Ivàlua.