"It's not our environment, rather the essence of heart, that dictate the possibilities of our future"...

Terrell Havoc

Author: Terrell Havoc

Vast and varying canvases of scenic realities surround me as I walk down this deteriorating dirt path to nowhere. The sweet and sour assaulting fragrance of food, hygiene, and toiletry products spoiling inside plastic and metal containers outline my day's journey.

Just west of my path, I observe a few unfamiliar animals and faces scavenging through a pile of waste mixed trash. There were also a couple of sporadically placed groups of children along my journey's path. Some of which I am familiar and others I am not.

My experience as well as family upbringing have taught me that if I keep my distance and attempt to carry on as if I haven't noticed them, more times than not, they'll leave me alone, allowing me to continue on my way. However, today, as I walk along this path, as I've done so many times before, I notice a quick darting movement from one of the few non-overflowing septic drains just off to the side of my path.

I slowed my walking to a pace one would use to avoid making noise on a squeaky wooden floor. I pause, suddenly, in mid stride, as if I observed an unfamiliar occurrence just fifty (50) feet shy of this particular drain. As I steady my head in the direction of this so-called occurrence that, supposedly, just took place, I focus my peripheral line of sight toward the septic drain in hopes of catching a glimpse of this mysterious darting movement.

I held up this rouse for about two (2) to three (3) minutes and then it happened. The darting object came out, very quickly, from the drain and returned in like fashion. That's it, I thought to myself. I had to sneak behind and climb softly as well as quietly to the top of this drain pipe in order to find out what exactly was darting in and out so quickly .

As I slowly tip-toe my way up the back of this very brittle and waste covered septic drain, I finally reach the edge, Just above the opening. Very quietly, as not to make a sound, I peer over the edge. The object darted out once again! Not knowing if it would come out again, since it has came out and gone back a few times already, I sacrificially dove on top of the object and attempted to grab a hold with ever ounce of quick moving strength I had.

"I GOT IT!", I yelled out, excited, first, that I actually caught and am holding onto this mysterious object that has captivated my attention for today, and secondly that I didn't break my back or neck diving down from a top of this drain pipe the way I did.

Now, having allowed a few moments to go by in order to take full inventory of any unnoticed injuries I may have sustained during my decent, I refocus upon the creature I am grasping onto.

Only now realizing that it has been jerking back toward the drain's opening in an attempt to free itself. Using both my left and right forearms to clear the debris that was launched into my face upon impact with the waste covered ground, I finally am able to clearly see that I'm holding onto the wrist and forearm of a 'Sewer Surfer'.

Sewer Surfer is what we called the homeless and parent-less kids that dwelt within the surrounding sewer systems. This kid is so filthy and dirty that I am unable to see any facial features other than his or her eyes.

Up until today I have never seen, let alone touched, a Sewer Surfer before. I am filled with both fear and curiosity. I start off the way every kid known in existence would have started off in a situation as this...

"What's your name?..."

In what sounds like an elderly person stricken with pneumonia, possessing a smokers rasp, the Sewer Surfer replied, "My name is V".

Upon hearing the voice of 'V'', my mind immediately began to ponder questions like, 'Is this a real kid (Sewer Surfer) or some type of defective government experiment that has been dumped out here for some unknown diabolical reason?!'

I had to know, one way or another. Therefore, I passive-aggressively suggested that 'V' come out from the drain and play some role-playing games with me like cops and robbers, cowboys and Indians, etc. It was extremely apparent that 'V' has previously had some unpleasant interacts with the general public. I say this because of the almost instinctive type, retreating, reaction as soon as I began suggesting that he or she come out.

As I attempt to ease 'V' by saying, as if talking to a kinder-gardener , "It's okay. You don't have to come out right now. I can wait until you are ready to make that choice on your own". Hearing sounds of a metal container echoing it's faint ring, as if someone kicked it away from the drain's entrance, suddenly a voice similar to that of 'V's', bellowed out, "NO! Make It Ssttoooppp!!!"

As the word 'Ssttoooppp' faded into silence, a very loud roar ignited deep within the darkness of the drain. It was as if someone secretly shot off the official start of the race pistol and a stampede of runners were heading right toward me.

No, I did not wait to see what it was! My curiosity went immediately out the window and I was one step behind it. I immediately ran from in front of the drain opening, circled back around and then up to the top, once more, in order to safely observe all that may be flooding out at any moment. By the sound of the rumbling, I was preparing myself to witness an enormous tidal wave of Sewer Surfers pouring out.

To my ever increasing disappointment, I ultimately realized that the stampede sound was actually fading out. Meaning, whatever was causing that noise apparently was heading away from, rather than toward, the drain's entrance. Not realizing how much of the day I've sacrificed in order to obtain answers about the mysterious movement from the roadside drain, that I failed to notice the day quickly retreating into the night.

After carefully climbing down from a top of the roadside septic drain, I decided to begin my journey back home. I consciously made it a point to stay in the middle of the dirt path on the way back. I've learned from a few close calls that walking at night too close to the roadside bushes, would surely result in a mauling from a few of our, not so friendly, wildlife neighbors or worst. On the other hand, I could be unknowingly stocked by a not so pleasant wanderer who would just give anything to get a hold of an unsuspecting victim, such as myself. Pulling them into the bushes for some type of sadistic and ungodly act.

Just as my vision and mind began to fade into the night's journey, my triangular shaped roof pierced up from the horizon, some 15 yards out. As I draw near to my residence, I begin feeling those tingling butterflies in the pit of my stomach as if I was being watched by someone or something. Not being able to clearly see into the surrounding bushes nor into the shaded sections around the perimeter of my home, I started yelling out to my mother who, as far as this person or thing that is watching me knows, is awaiting my return and is within earshot of my voice.

As I come upon the pitch black, abandoned, and lifeless home, I continue with my one-sided conversation between me and my make believe mom, who truthfully has been deceased for over five (5) years now. Over what felt like an eternity, I finally reach the flimsy, rotten, and barely standing front porch of my home. I rush up the steps not giving any thought to the possibility that, at any moment, the boards could splinter or give out from underneath me.

Once inside, I rushed very quickly, not giving my eyes a chance to adjust from the moon's light outside, I enter the living-room closet, immediately right of the room's entrance, just off the main hallway. As I quickly and quietly stepped into the Living-room closet, I left the closet door cracked just enough to see if a person or thing's silhouette crosses the front porch window or passes by the side window leading toward the rear entrance of the house.

For what seemed like half the night, keeping in mind thirty minutes to any kid hiding in the dark seems like half the night, I thought I saw...Nooo?!...I thought I saw.....Iii...I know, speaking to myself, this is going to sound funny but I swear that the front door's shadow just moved. Am I, No! Look! There it is! (Whispering to myself) There's some type of thing drifting, effortlessly, into the hallway opening of the Living-room's main entrance. Almost immediately, a very sour yet pungent odor assaulted my sense of smell.

The pungent odor was as if garbage bags, which were filled with spoiled eggs, beer, and pig's feet, having been left out in the sun for months, were just opened. This extremely intense odor seemed to increase in it's intensity the closer this thing got to the closet door. I slowly closed the closet door the remainder of the way, simultaneously releasing the handle, gently, allowing the handle to return to it's resting position. Just as I stepped back, disappearing into the multiple coats and articles of clothing left behind by the prior occupants, this thing's shadow began to move along the thin beam of moonlight piercing through at the bottom of the door.

My focus immediately changes from the bottom of the door to the severely tarnished door knob that has begun turning ever so slowly that I had to keep reminding myself that this is really happening and not just in my mind. The knob stops turning. The door begins to open slowly...

Mr. Corazon...You're late! However, we all thank you for interrupting this period's discussion and honoring us all with your presence!

My most sincere apologies professor! My morning schedule was pushed back considerably due to transporting my mother to the hospital having fainted while taking a shower and hitting her head on the tubs faucet. However, next time I'll allow my mother to bleed out, collect on her life insurance policy, and arrive on time. God knows I could use the money...

That'll be enough Mr. Corazon! Please take a seat.

Just as Mr. Corazon locates a nearby seat, a seat right next to the young lady named Sandra who he's been trying to talk to for quite some time now, his cellphone begins to vibrate his front right pocket. Quietly setting his backpack down then pulling out his cellphone, Mr. Corazon checks his messages as he descends into his seat.

Having read said messages, Mr. Corazon gathers back up his belongings, then quickly exits back out the front classroom entrance. Overwhelmed with excitement and disbelief, Mr. Corazon, known to his friends as 'D', takes his cellphone back out of his front right pocket in order to re-read the text message he recently received. The text message from his science lab and research partner named Travis reads as follows;

"D! You're not going to believe this! We've finally stabilized the Verilium Eterol Enzyme (V.E.E) within a live test subject! Get here as quickly as you can!"

Quickly closing his cellphone text messaging, D orders a LYFT pick up in front of the college's campus. Having traveled for 30 minutes or so..."My stop is just ahead, at the corner, on the right-hand side", said D to the LYFT driver. Not taking the time to be cordial, D hops out of the LYFT car, yells a quick "THANKS!" and rushes into the house as if he went right through the metal screen door covering the home's front entrance.

Just as D enters the house, he begins to yell out, "Travis! Travis! I'm here!" As if Travis appeared out of thin air, he startled D by responding right behind him with "No Shit! I can see that." D counters, "Yeah, Yeah! Nice to see you too! Now show me what we got!"

As Travis lead the way back toward the kitchen where the cellar door leading down to their lab is located, D observed a very light splatter, of what looks like blood, on the bottom edge of Travis' right hand. Feeling a little nervous and apprehensive, D asks Travis, "What happened to your hand?"

Raising and rotating his right hand clockwise, Travis briefly looked at the bottom edge of his right hand and nonchalantly replied, "Oh nothing! That's just hot sauce from my lunch earlier". Travis apparently forgetting that during his 20 something year friendship with D, he's shared, on numerous occasions, that he's extremely allergic to the sodium and vinegar combination inside bottles of hot sauce. Which begs me to ask the question, "What is Travis trying to hide and/or cover up?"

Cautiously following Travis down the stairs into our homemade research and science lab, my attention was drawn to a young girl, maybe boy, sitting Indian-style inside a makeshift wire cage. The young girl/boy was gazing up at me with a soul piercing stare that reminded me of a wild animal awaiting euthanasia. As I consciously broke the gaze between this young girl/boy and myself, I looked around the lab and located the ten or so makeshift wire cages containing the unsuccessful remains of our previous test subjects.

As I began to reminisce about the horrific and fatal reaction our previous test subjects had to the Verilium Eterol Enzyme (V.E.E), Travis, standing to the right of the young girl/boy test subject's cage, hollered across the room, "Are you ready for this?!" Holding a beaker of the yellowish Verilium Eterol Enzyme in one hand and an exact-o knife in the other.

"I'm ready, get on with it!", I said. Travis proceeded to empty the beaker containing the yellowish Verilium Eterol Enzyme, in his right hand, onto the head, neck, and back of our caged subject. As soon as the V.E.E liquid touched the skin of our test subject, the subject bellowed out a sound that can only be described as a very high ear-drum piercing, pain-wrenching, and agonizing howl of pure suffering.

Accompanied by violent thrashing which led to our subject flailing over every inch of the 4.5 foot by 4.5 foot cage. Over what seemed like a half an hour, in all actuality 5 minutes, our test subject began considerably reducing their violent and uncontrolled flailing down to a much more tolerable gasp. A gasping, as for air, typically observed of a child who had been crying very hard due to either parental discipline and/or traditional punishment... A Spanking!

What I wasn't prepared for was the proceeding actions taken by my research and lab partner Travis. Just as our test subject began to return back to their initial calm and neutral demeanor, Travis proceeded to utilize the exact-o knife, in his left hand, to create very quick, deep, and razor-sharp slices over any exposed area of the subject's body.

What happened next is still a little foggy. Our test subject, we'll call V.E.E for reference purposes, began to shake very quickly and very hesitantly. Shaking you would normally see from a child who had become cold, 'To The Bone', and was fighting by tensing up muscles all over their body in an attempt to cease the uncontrolled freezing shakes.

Next, V.E.E appeared to bare down upon his or herself in like fashion as to the comic book superhero 'Superman', right before he took to the air in flight. In the midst of V.E.E baring down upon itself, a very loud thundering sound suddenly erupted as if thousands of marathon runners were directly in front of me, running at top speed.

In an attempt to prevent eardrum damage, I immediately muffled the very loud thunderous sound by quickly as well as tightly pressing the palms of my hands over each earlobe. Slightly disoriented due to the extremely loud, eardrum piercing, rumbling coming from V.E.E that I failed to hypothesize nor anticipate the almost instantaneous self-duplication that, if I wasn't witnessing first hand, I'd never believe it to be possible.

V.E.E duplicated itself at such a rapid and massive level that before I knew it both Travis and myself were being simultaneously pinned up against a wall but on opposite sides of the lab. Right before I lost consciousness from having one of our subject's copies pressing its forearm up against my throat, I managed to push out a whisper of a question...

"What is your name?"…

Face to face, battling against the darkness of unconsciousness, the copy pinning me against the wall looked deep into me with its coal black eyes as it let out a banshee of a wale, "Make It Ssttooopp"!!! My vision fades into darkness...