Curriculum Vitae

Short CV


Environmental and Resource Economics, Energy Economics and Development Economics.


October 2018- Present: Post-doctoral Researcher, SCCER CREST, The University of Basel, Basel (Switzerland)


April 2018- October 2018: Energy Economist (African Fellowship Program), Infrastructure VP, Energy, and Extractives Global Practice, World Bank Group, Washington DC (USA).

2013-2018: Teaching and Research Fellow, IREGE, Savoie Mont Blanc University (France).

2008- 2019: Independent Consultant, Selected consultancy activities:

• Regional energy policy in Central Africa (CEMAC) with the FERDAC

• Climate change and gender outlook in Francophone Africa with La Francophonie and IFDD

• Second National Communication to the UNFCCC by Benin with UNDP

• Household data survey and economic analysis in Benin

2008- 2012: Principal Consultant, Private Sector Development, and Environment Department, Consulting firm E2CG, Cotonou (Benin).


2017: Qualification for the Assistant Professor position in France, CNU 05.

2013–2016: PhD in Economics, Savoie Mont Blanc University, France.

Title: The energy transition Link

Committee: Aude Pommeret (Supervisor, Univ. Savoie and CityU Hong Kong), Katheline SCHUBERT (Referee, Univ. Paris Sorbonne), Patrice GEOFFRON (Referee, Univ. Paris Dauphine), Alain AYONG LE KAMA, (Chair, Univ. Paris 10), Rick VAN DER PLOEG (Examiner, Univ. of Oxford), Lucas BRETSCHGER (Examiner, ETH Zurich)

2012–2013: Master (PhD track) in Environmental, Resource and Agricultural Economics, Toulouse School of Economics (TSE), France.


2020: Power to Empower Emerging Africa, Benguerir (Morocco); Infra4Dev Conference: Decarbonizing Infrastructure,(via Zoom) Berkeley (USA).

2019: AERE, Lake Tahoe (USA); EAERE, Manchester (UK)

2018: ASSA conference, Philadelphia (USA); AERE/Eastern Economic Association, Boston (USA); ADRES, Palaiseau (France)

2017: GGKP (UNEP, OECD, World Bank), Washington D.C. (USA); Big data-Energy and Networks (French Embassy in Norway), Trondheim (Norway); Workshops (CREM, EconomiX, LEDa, CERDI, BETA in France); CFE, Paris (France); ISEFI, Paris (France); SSES, Lausanne (Swiss); IAEE, Singapore (Singapore); EAERE, Athens (Greece).

2016: FAERE, Bordeaux (France); EAERE, Zurich (Swiss); AFSE, Nancy (France); IEPPEC, Amsterdam (Netherlands); CESAER, Dijon (France).

2015: FAERE, Toulouse (France); EAERE, Helsinki (Finland); AFSE, Rennes (France); Lunch Seminar, PSE (France); GGKP (UNEP, OECD, World Bank), Venice (Italia).

2014: WCERE, Istanbul (Turkey); FAERE, Le Harvre (France); MEC, Montpellier (France); DMM, Montpellier (France); FAERE, Montpellier (France); ENRMDTE, CERDI Clermont-Ferrand (France); DDEEP-EconomiX, Paris (France); Tiger forum, TSE (France).

2013: EAERE, Toulouse (France)

2012: E3D, Agadir (Morocco)

2010: ENRMDTE, CERDI Clermont-Ferrand (France)


2019-present: Lecturer (graduate level), University of Basel (Switzerland); Dynamic optimization in Environmental Economics.

2018: Invited Professor, University of Dschang, (Cameroon); Lecturer for Ph.D. students in Advanced Microeconomics: market failures.

2016-2018: Temporary Teaching and Research Fellow-ATER (Undergraduate and graduate), Savoie Mont Blanc University (France); Tutorials and lecture for undergraduate and graduate in Public Economics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, International Economics, Statistics, Game theory, and Methodology.

2015-2016: Teaching Assistant (Undergraduate, tutorials), Savoie Mont Blanc University (France); Applied Informatics and Political Economics.

2014-2015: Teaching Assistant (Undergraduate, tutorials), Savoie Mont Blanc University (France); Applied Informatics; Microeconomics and Political Economics.

2012-2013: Teaching Assistant (Undergraduate, tutorials), Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) (France); Macroeconomics.