
Current Projects

Upper Extremity Wearable Exoskeletons

Purpose: To develop and evaluate a soft robotic wearable device that provides arm mobility assistance in infants with arm motor impairments.


Konstantinos Karydis (UC Riverside)Will Grover (UC Riverside)Salman Asif (UC Riverside)Philip Brisk (UC Riverside)
Publication highlights[1] Sahin et al., IEEE RO-MAN, (2022)[2] Kokkoni et al., J Eng Sci Med Diagn Ther, (2020)

With support by NSF

Babies Flying Drones

Purpose: We build on prior work on the mobile paradigm to develop and assess the feasibility of a robot-assisted learning environment to promote, via contingent reinforcement, limb movement in infants with or at risk for motor delays. The mobile in our work takes the form of a small aerial robot allowing for motion in different directions, amplitudes, and velocities; thus, providing opportunities for examining the potential ability of infants to alter their limb movements to match various motion patterns by the robot. Information from this study will be used to develop training environments where the robot, in turn, will perform these complex motion patterns in an effort to ‘induce’ selective motor patterns in infants with or at risk for motor delays and across different developmental stages. 


Konstantinos Karydis (UC Riverside)
Publication highlights[1] Kouvoutsakis et al., IEEE ICDL, (2022)

With support by C-PROGRESS

Grounded Early Adaptive Rehabilitation

Purpose: We examine young children's social interactions with mobile and humanoid robots and evaluate the use of these robots in mobility training paradigms for children with or at risk for motor delays.


Herbert Tanner (Univ. of Delaware)James C. Galloway (Univ. of Delaware)Rene Vidal (Johns Hopkins Univ.)Jeffrey Heinz (Stony Brook Univ.)
Publication highlights[1] Kouvoutsakis et al.,  ACM/IEEE HRI, (2022)[2] Sahin et al, IEEE RO-MAN, (2021)[3] Kokkoni et al., ACM/IEEE HRI (2021)[4] Kokkoni et al., J Neuroeng Rehabil, (2020)

With support  by NIH

Dynamic Body Weight Support

Purpose: To examine the feasibility of novel open-area body weight support systems for overground variable motor practice outside of the lab and  to assess changes in the motor function of children with various mobility challenges.


James C. Galloway (Univ. of Delaware)
Publication highlights[1] Kokkoni & Galloway, Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol, (2021)[2] Kokkoni et al., Ped Phys Ther, (2020)