ProVisors DEI Resources Library 

About the ProVisors DEI Resources Library 

The ProVisors DEI Resources Library began as multiple listings of resources assembled by the various ProVisors DEI committees.  Over time, the committees began sharing and combining their listings.  Today, it encompasses hundreds of discrete articles, books, movies, podcasts, television shows, websites, and other resources on a wide variety of issues ranging from anti-racism to unconscious bias as well as the untold histories of many marginalized members of American society.  It also contains resource guides compiled on a variety of subject matters.  It is updated periodically by ProVisors members, and as such, from time to time there may be items that are out of date and/or that may no longer be accessible at the links contained on this website.  If you do discover a broken link or an out of date item, we'd ask that you help our volunteers by emailing them at   We hope that you find it to be a useful tool in your exploration of all things related to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and welcome suggestions for additions to this library via email at


Regional DEI Chairs: 

The full list of our DEI Regional Chairs can be found on our website: