Protolang 8
Roma Tre University, Rome (Italy) / 27-28 September 2023
The Protolang conference series creates an interdisciplinary platform for scholarly discussion on the origins of symbolic communication distinctive of human beings.
The thematic focus of Protolang is on delineating the genetic, anatomical, neuro-cognitive, socio-cultural, semiotic, symbolic and ecological requirements for evolving (proto)language. Sign use, tools, cooperative breeding, pointing, vocalisation, intersubjectivity, bodily mimesis, planning and navigation are among many examples of such possible factors through which hominins have gained a degree of specificity that is not found in other forms of animal communication and cognition.
We aim at identifying the proximate and ultimate causes as well as the mechanisms by which these requirements evolved; evaluating the methodologies, research tools and simulation techniques; and enabling extended and vigorous exchange of ideas across disciplinary borders.
We invite scholars from A(rcheology) to Z(oology), and all disciplines in between, to contribute data, experimental and theoretical research, and look forward to welcoming you at one of our conferences!
!!! NEWS !!!
28 September 2023: best poster award announced:
27 - 28 September 2023: gallery of Protolang8:
20 September 2023: book of abstracts available for download:
14 September 2023: final conference program:
26 August 2023: information about poster dimensions added:
27 July 2023: information about the social dinner added:
18 July 2023: conference program with updates:
18 June 2023: the conference program is out:
24 May 2023: abstracts of the invited speakers available:
23 April 2023: Registration is open: