
Conditions for the broad application of prospective life cycle inventory databases

2nd July, 2023

What is needed for the widespread use of prospective LCI (pLCI) databases in prospetive LCA (pLCA) practice? In this comentary article, we explore those conditions we considered necesary for the use of state-of-the-art, science-based, useful, accesible, interpretable and well mantained pLCI databases. This is important, as much of the technologies needed to achieve net-zero goals, among other important global environmental targets, are still in their infancy and will only enter the market around mid of the century, thus the temporal horizon to study them is in the mid to long term future. We hope this comentary will stir important discussion in the field of pLCA.


PROTEAN came to an end in May 2022. We will continue to update research as it becomes available to the public with more findings for the future of urban agriculture and its contribution to sustainable food production. As well, we expect contributions on the more methodological aspects of prospective LCA as a tool to properly analyse future systems and their implications for the environment. Stay tunned!

Regionalized LCA of peri-urban agriculture

8th November, 2022

We are very happy to present this regionalized LCA of peri-urban agriculture in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, which provides a baseline for further analysis of prospective scenarios as originally intended in PROTEAN. 

We found that regionalization of inventories and of impact assessment methods are important for capturing environmental impacts of UA at appropriate scales. Also, we did a big effort on compiling inventories for the whole region displaying the variability introduced by the different practices and land uses. Yet, these need to be completed and confirmed with primary data, to capture a much broader range of impacts as well as reduce uncertainty due to unrepresentative data. The study provides esential knowledge to guide suitable sustainability strategies for peri-UA.

Integration of future water scarcity and electricity supply into prospective LCA: Application to the assessment of water desalination for the steel industry

31th March, 2022

A recent collaboration with researchers from LIST Luxemburg and IMAGE -PBL in the Netherlands, yield this interesting research, where we further integrate data from the IMAGE model into the life cycle impact assessment phase of LCA. Not only will the economy change in the future but also will the biosphere, as a consequence of climate change, for instance. Here we create future characterization factors for water scarcity based on the AWARE method and using IMAGE scenario data for a baseline and a two degree scenario. 


PROTEAN has passed its half way already in 2021 and its coming to an end in May 2022. We are in the process of completing our urban agriculture baseline systems - looking into peri-urban agriculture of the metropolitan of Barcelona, which we hope to have publicly available soon. We can anticipate that besides working on prospective food production we have made a huge effort to also capture geographic variability of peri-urban food production in our life cycle modelling. Looking forward to share the outcomes very soon.

Mapping direct N2O emissions from peri-urban agriculture: The case of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona

28th February, 2022

Lack of spatially-relevant datasets hinders the estimation of nitrous oxide emissions from peri-urban agriculture. Opportunities for sustainable, local-food production in cities - arising from their mitigation, could be overlooked. We estimate peri-urban agriculture's N2O emissions for the metropolitan area of Barcelona, a region looking to become more circular and sustainable. We hope they will feed more sustainability studies for the region and future scenarios towards PROTEAN main aim of estimating future impacts of urban food production with prospective LCA.

Building-integrated agriculture: Are we shifting environmental impacts? An environmental assessment and structural improvement of urban greenhouses

11th January, 2021

Integrated rooftop greenhouses (iRTGs) are green infrastructures that can range from simple to very sophisticated structures. Therefore, it is important to bear in mind whether its sophistication can lead to burden shifting for instance by increasing their energy use. This study looks into iRTGs life cycle impacts and whether these structures can be optimized from a design pount of view to reduce these impacts. Urban integration is among the key factors that may lead to reduce the impacts.

Urban agriculture — A necessary pathway towards urban resilience and global sustainability?

11th January, 2021

In this essay, published in the journal of Landscape and Urban Planning, we argue that urban agriculture (UA) deserves stronger consideration in land-use planning as it holds the potential to enhance urban resilience, global sustainability and multifunctionality - as a multifunctional nature-based solution. Considering these three aspects in land-use planning is therefore vital to give UA its true value.

Top downloaded paper!

29th July, 2020

With big thanks to co-authors, I am happy to share that the base manuscript for PROTEAN "When the Background Matters: Using Scenarios from Integrated Assessment Models in Prospective Life Cycle Assessment", is among the 10% most downloaded papers in the Journal of Industrial Ecology*. Looking forward to continue building on this work within PROTEAN. 

*Among work published between January 2018 and December 2019, yours received some of the most downloads in the 12 months following online publication. 

Life cycle environmental and cost comparison of current and future passenger cars under different energy scenarios

30th April, 2020

We continue to develop the link between IMAGE scenarios and LCA in this study, just published online in the Journal of Applied Energy. It follows the same methodology as PROTEAN for the models link and it is applied to the assessment of different types of vehicles currently and in the future (2040).

Some key findings:

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Launching PROTEAN

As of September 2019, PROTEAN - a 24 months Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship, will be updating its developments and achievements in this blog. I hope it will be of your interest and looking forward to keep in touch! (you may use the form in the contact window)