
Gweler isod adborth a dderbynwyd gan ein cyfranogwyr:

“Rydyn ni yn mwynhau chwarae gemau iaith ar y safle yn fawr. Mae’r plant yn dysgu drwy gael hwyl.”

(We really enjoy playing the language games on the site. The children learn by having fun).

Sian Jones, Specialist Dyslexia Teacher, Miles Dyslexia Centre

"Our two boys took part in RILL during the spring and summer of the first lockdown. It was such a positive experience for them both, it gave them something fun and different to focus on and the one to one lessons were great. It definitely helped maintain their literacy skills and the attention, positivity and enthusiasm of their teacher gave them a much needed confidence boost. The scheme also gave us as parents peace of mind that they were getting support to keep up their English skills during lockdown. Both of the boys had excellent feedback in their October parents evenings, with their teachers saying both were doing well and neither had fallen behind in their literacy skills despite the lockdown and I do attribute a large part of this to them continuing with RILL during the summer holidays."

“My husband and I are both key workers. I had three weeks off during lockdown as I was in-between jobs and was taking care of home-schooling. […] When I heard about this study, I thought it was a win, win situation. Elena, their teacher, has been brilliant. It’s amazing for them to have the interaction. Her engagement style, her story telling, everything is brilliant. Part of me doesn’t want it to end because [our daughter] is getting so much out of it.”