I run the example from -output-prometheus-remote/blob/main/docker-compose.yml. Using that repo, it loads the dashboard from -output-prometheus-remote/tree/main/grafana/dashboards, and seems to work well for me. I do not have to change the Prometheus URL, :9090/api/v1/write works well.

I ran the test above with K6_PROMETHEUS_RW_TREND_AS_NATIVE_HISTOGRAM=true k6 run -o experimental-prometheus-rw --tag testid=test-1 ./samples/test.js and the results show as well, with no need to reconfigure anything as you had to:

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I have a valid prometheus.yml in the right directory on the host machine and it's being read by Prometheus from within the container. I'm just scraping a couple of HTTP endpoints for testing purposes at the moment.

I am running Ray 2.3.1 on my Mac Pro. I also have Grafana and Prometheus running on this machine. I have verified that both are working by checking localhost:3000 and localhost:9090, respectively. I launch a local Ray cluster like so

Jens according to my brief research it looks like something in the prometheus lib itself because the sample code did not change between those two versions nor did the metrics library in ways that would explain the behavior.

If you get the error Error: failed to download "stable/prometheus" (hint: running `helm repo update` may help) when executing this command, run helm repo update prometheus-community, and then try running the Step 2 command again.

The Kubernetes API and the kube-state-metrics (which natively uses prometheus metrics) solve part of this problem by exposing Kubernetes internal data, such as the number of desired / running replicas in a deployment, unschedulable nodes, etc.

You have several options to install Traefik and a Kubernetes-specific install guide. If you just want a simple Traefik deployment with Prometheus support up and running quickly, use the following commands:

The control plane is the brain and heart of Kubernetes. All of its components are important to the proper working and efficiency of the cluster. Monitoring the Kubernetes control plane is just as important as monitoring the status of the nodes or the applications running inside. It may be even more important, because an issue with the control plane will affect all of the applications and cause potential outages.

Monitoring with Prometheus is easy at first. You can have metrics and alerts in several services in no time. The problems start when you have to manage several clusters with hundreds of microservices running inside, and different development teams deploying at the same time.

Hi Sergio,

you can now configure the external components. But let me explain, I have 2 environments. In one of them I have installed Istio with grafana and prometheus and kiali and in the other I also have grafana and prometheus. But the question is. Why have these two repeated? That is why I try from 1 of the environments to configure the external url to not have 2 configurations for each environment.

To simplify configuration, Istio has the ability to control scraping entirely byprometheus.io annotations. This allows Istio scraping to work out of the box withstandard configurations such as the ones provided by theHelm stable/prometheus charts.

Copy the following configuration file and save it to a location of your choice,for example /tmp/prometheus.yml. This is a stock Prometheus configuration file,except for the addition of the Docker job definition at the bottom of the file.

If you're using Docker Desktop, the --add-host flag is optional. This flagmakes sure that the host's internal IP gets exposed to the Prometheuscontainer. Docker Desktop does this by default. The host IP is exposed as thehost.docker.internal hostname. This matches the configuration defined inprometheus.yml in the previous step.

The example provided here shows how to run Prometheus as a container on yourlocal system. In practice, you'll probably be running Prometheus on anothersystem or as a cloud service somewhere. You can set up the Docker daemon as aPrometheus target in such contexts too. Configure the metrics-addr of thedaemon and add the address of the daemon as a scrape endpoint in yourPrometheus configuration.

The way to approach this is the similar to machine roles. You expose a single time series with all the labels you want, and the value 1. For example Prometheus itself exports a time series called prometheus_build_info:

Selecting all instances with a particular label can be done with the and operator, which will return the left hand side if the labels on the right hand side has matching labels. For example to display the number of time series for all Prometheus servers running 1.0.1:

After managed collection is enabled, the in-cluster components will be runningbut no metrics are generated yet. PodMonitoring or ClusterPodMonitoringresources are needed by these components to correctly scrape the metricsendpoints. You must either deploy these resources with valid metrics endpointsor enable one of the managed metrics packages, for example,Kube state metrics,built into GKE. For troubleshooting information, seeIngestion-side problems.

To disable managed collection, set the enabled attribute in themanaged_prometheus configuration block to false. For more informationabout this configuration block, see theTerraform registry for google_container_cluster.

A PodMonitoring CR scrapes targets only in the namespace the CR is deployed in.To scrape targets in multiple namespaces, deploy the same PodMonitoring CR ineach namespace. You can verify the PodMonitoring resource is installed in theintended namespace by running kubectl get podmonitoring -A.

When running on GKE, the collecting Prometheus serverautomatically retrieves credentials from the environment based on thenode's service account.In non-GKE Kubernetes clusters, credentials must be explicitlyprovided through the OperatorConfig resource in thegmp-public namespace.

The Kubelet exposes metrics about itself as well as cAdvisor metrics aboutcontainers running on its node. You can configure managed collection toscrape Kubelet and cAdvisor metrics by editing the OperatorConfig resource.For instructions, see the exporter documentation forKubelet and cAdvisor.

You can always continue to use your existing prometheus-operator resources anddeployment configs by using self-deployed collectors instead ofmanaged collectors. You can query metrics sent from both collector types, so youmight want to use self-deployed collectors for your existing Prometheusdeployments while using managed collectors for new Prometheus deployments.

While not recommended when running on Google Kubernetes Engine, you can override theproject_id, location, and cluster labels by addingthem as args to the Deployment resource withinoperator.yaml. If you use any reserved labels as metric labels,Managed Service for Prometheus automatically relabels them by adding theprefix exported_. This behavior matches how upstream Prometheus handlesconflicts with reserved labels.

In GKE environments, you can run managed collection withoutfurther configuration. In other Kubernetes environments,you need to explicitly provide credentials, a project-id value to contain yourmetrics, a location value (Google Cloud region) where your metrics will bestored, and a cluster value to save the name of the cluster in which thecollector is running.

As gcloud does not work outside of Google Cloud environments, you need todeploy using kubectl instead. Unlike with gcloud,deploying managed collection using kubectl does not automatically upgrade yourcluster when a new version is available. Remember to watch the releasespage for new versions and manually upgradeby re-running the kubectl commands with the new version.

Thank you for this suggestion. We're pleased that customers using the Kubernetes deployment option for ArcGIS Enterprise find the service usage metrics and integration with Grafana dashboards helpful, for monitoring and understanding performance of the software running on Kubernetes.

This was added specifically to support the performance and tuning of the Kubernetes deployment option, but on our list for consideration will be potentially expanding use of the Prometheus/Grafana tooling for the other deployment option. Also be sure to look into ArcGIS Monitor as a great solution for seeing and understanding the usage and performance of ArcGIS running on traditional architectures.

Thanks for the feedback! It would be great if you could look into this since I think quite a few Enterprise customers are using the Grafana/Prometheus toolkit for generic monitoring even if not running Kubernetes and container based applications.

This post will show how to utilize Prometheus Adapter to autoscale Amazon EKS Pods running an Amazon App Mesh workload. AWS App Mesh is a service mesh that makes it easy to monitor and control services. A service mesh is an infrastructure layer dedicated to handling service-to-service communication, usually through an array of lightweight network proxies deployed alongside the application code. We will be registering the custom metric via a Kubernetes API service that HPA will eventually use to make scaling decisions.

Now create a manifest file, amp-eks-adot-prometheus-daemonset.yaml, with the scrape configuration in order to extract envoy metrics and deploy the ADOT collector. This example deploys a DaemonSet named adot-collector. The adot-collector DaemonSet collects metrics from pods on the cluster.

Vikram Venkataraman is a Senior Technical Account Manager at Amazon Web Services and also a container enthusiast. He helps organization with best practices for running workloads on AWS. In his spare time, he loves to play with his two kids and follows Cricket.

The Prometheus project publishes its own container image, quay.io/prometheus/prometheus. However, I enjoy building my own for home projects and prefer to use the Red Hat Universal Base Image family for my projects. These images are freely available for anyone to use. I prefer the Universal Base Image 8 Minimal (ubi8-minimal) image based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8. The ubi8-minimal image is a smaller version of the normal ubi8 images. It is larger than the official Prometheus container image's ultra-sparse Busybox image, but since I use the Universal Base Image for other projects, that layer is a wash in terms of disk space for me. (If two images use the same layer, that layer is shared between them and doesn't use any additional disk space after the first image.) 006ab0faaa

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