Becoming a Piece of Light

I still have people come to me occasionally and say, "I want to help!" Even though the project is completed, Samaritan is still accepting grief support bags and clay hearts if anyone is ever interested in making them! I have left here the directions for the grief support bags and the clay hearts in hopes that you will take some of your time to join us and become a piece of light!

Any gift bags would be acceptable! For my bags I bought plain white gift bags and had students and volunteers from my school decorate them! I put a pack of cards in with the other goods as well no matter what kind of bag they were. Feel free to contact me or Sharon if you have any questions!

I got the clay very reasonably from The Polymer Clay Super Store!

Be sure to get sculpey clay. :)

The heart cutters are SMALL! They can fit in the palm of your hand! 1.5 inches!

I found mine on but there are other places you can purchase them!

Etsy Heart Cutters

I think one of the coolest parts of the making the clay hearts with the volunteers was when one of my friends who had volunteered to help showed me her clay heart that her family had recieved from Samaritan when she lost her grandfather. She said she didn't realize how close the project hit home until she realized that she had one of the hearts she was making for someone else! That was a really awesome moment for me to know how big of an impact the project will make.