Data information

Data Dictionaries

For information about data structures, please see the following data dictionary files

ACE trial-level data column explanation - Description of the column names generated by load_ace_bulk function for ACE modules

ACE data column explanation - Description of the column names generated by proc_by_module function for ACE modules

SEA data column explanation - Description of the column names generated by proc_by_module function for SEA modules

Data Cleaning

Data cleaning procedures - description of how trial-level data were cleaned before publishing

Known Issues

Below is a list of known issues in the data by module. To submit a potential issue with data not listed here, please use the google form at the end of the section.



T1 - T4: All late trials are considered incorrect and accuracy cannot be re-created from the trial level data


T1: All late trials are considered incorrect and accuracy cannot be re-created from the trial level data


T1-T4: Only 'no response' trials were marked as late. Responses made after the response window were not marked as late. Note, this does not affect how accuracy is reported, as accuracy is reported based on button pressed and does not take response window into account.


All modules

T3 - T4 Grade as collected by the instrument reflects the previous year (e.g., 4th grade students are labeled as 3rd grade)