Analysis Tools

We have built a package for R called aceR. This package will read in raw data generated by ACE Classroom or SEA and process the data to generate summary statistics for each participant. This page provides resources for using R and this package.

Program Requirements

Our analyses scripts use a free program called R. We recommend using R Studio as a free helper program to interact with R

Processing Template

We provide a processing template customized for use with iLEAD data for both ACE data and SEA data.

Additional helper functions, including those used in the template, can be downloaded here.

Please see this instructional video for a walkthrough of how to use the processing template.

*Note the video refers to a folder called ACE R Processing Script Folder, these files are now located in the links above (template files and Helper Functions folder).

*Major update to the processing template was made 05/11/2020. The video will no longer have the exact steps/functions included in the template. General processing ideas are similar, but the template has been streamlined.

Additional Resources

New to R? Swirl is a great way to learn the basics

  • Click here to see the swirl website
  • Click here to download a quick Rscript to help you get set up with swirl

Got the basics, but want to know more?

We recommend R for Data Science by Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham. R for Data Science is a free, online textbook that will guide you through using tidyverse to analyze data and includes walkthroughs that use sample data so you can follow along. A basic understanding of R will be needed to follow along this book.

Visualizing Data in R

We recommend the ggplot package in R. Here is a handy cheatsheet to see ggplot's capabilities and the basics for different plot types.

aceR package latest update: August 1, 2019Processing template latest update: August 1, 2019