
The Project CREST Team

(from left to right) Justin Morfe (UF), Darnell Boursiquot (UF), Takeshia Pierre (UF), Julie Brown (UF), Michelle Joyce (UF), Maureen Shankman (Lincoln, 8th grade science), Tatiana Gonzalez (Lincoln, 8th grade science/UF), Holly Shema (Lincoln, 7th grade science), Margaret Magonigle (Lincoln, 7th grade science), and Cee Petrilla (Lincoln, 8th grade science)

Julie Brown PhD

Associate Professor, Science Education, University of Florida

Faculty page

Culturally Responsive STEM Education

Takeshia Pierre M.P.H.

PhD Graduate Student, University of Florida

Research Interests

  • Science education for underrepresented populations; Programmatic intervention; Teacher professional development

Michelle Joyce M.S.

PhD Graduate Student, University of Florida

Research Interests

  • Science and mathematics education; Equity, inclusion and diversity in science and mathematics education; Student centered and blended learning; Using social media for teaching, learning and professional development