Project results


  • S. Pradhan, A. Stavrinadis, S. Gupta, Y. Bi, F. Di Stasio, G. Konstantatos, “Simultaneous improvement of charge transport and emissive in-gap traps reduction in PbS quantum dot based solar cells with mixed ligand treatments” Small, 13, 1700598 (2017) - LINK
  • F. Di Stasio*, S. Christodoulou*, N. Huo, G. Konstantatos, Chemistry of Materials, 29, 7663-7667 (2017) (*equal contribution) - LINK
  • S. Christodoulou*, F. Di Stasio*, S. Pradhan, A. Stavrinadis, G. Konstantatos, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122, 7621-7626 (2018) (*equal contribution) - LINK
  • F. Di Stasio, I. Ramiro*, Y. Bi*, S. Christodoulou, A. Stavrinadis, G. Konstantatos Chemistry of Materials, 30, 6231-6235 (2018) (*equal contribution) - LINK
  • S. Pradhan, F. Di Stasio, Y. Bi, S. Gupta, S. Christodoulou, A. Stavrinadis, G. Konstantatos accepted, (2018)

Dissemination activities:

  • Presentation at the "Pint of Science" event at Michael Collins pub in Barcelona: LINK
  • Summer ICFO Student tour