Project Albatross

Helping Distanced Biology Learners Learn Biology

Project Albatross exists to connect Biology and Life Science Teachers who want to make a difference during the COVID-19 epidemic with socially distanced learners who find themselves away from school and instruction for a long period of time.

If you have questions about Project Albatross, or would like to know more, please visit the About page or contact the project.

Resources for Students:

Learning Resources:

If you want synchronous (in person) help, you want to use a forum. There are two forum options on offer:

  1. The good souls who run the Homework Help subreddit have offered to host any questions that Biology learners might have that can wait a little while for an answer. They also have a lot more capacity to both offer support AND a place to get your need seen than this site would have. Plus they have people who can help you with ANY subject.

  2. Homework Help also has a Discord Chat Server, with its own Project Albatross channel. So that's another place to go. Teachers will hang out there, too.

Access curated Biology Learning Resources by clicking the Learning Resource Buttons below:

Resources for Teachers:

Volunteer for Project Albatross:

Teachers! If you are interested in volunteering for Project Albatross, please visit our Contact/Volunteer Page.