About Project Albatross

What Project Albatross Is:

Project Albatross is a 100% volunteer initiative that exists to provide resources and instruction for Biology learners who are not able to access regular school-based instruction during the COVID-19 crisis. It has two major goals:

  1. Connect biology students who want to learn in a synchronous learning environment, but are currently unable to due to the closure of their school with biology teachers who are able to provide 30-minute lessons on particular topics.

  2. Provide students with a collection of biology learning resources that have been vetted and curated by biology educators.

The Project Albatross Organizing Team:

Every teacher who volunteers to help Project Albatross is a crucial part of the Project Albatross Team. The development and maintenance of the Project Albatross infrastructure is facilitated by an organizing team of educators:

Ms. Michelle Cheyne, Knowles Teacher Initiative

Mr. Jon Darkow, (@JonDarkow), Seneca East High School

Ms. Kelly Kluthe, University of Kansas

Mr. David Knuffke (@DavidKnuffke) , Singapore American School

Ms. Valerie May, Woodstock Academy

Mr. Michael Ralph (@RalphCSTEM) University of Kansas

Mr. Chris Monsour, Tiffin Columbian High School

Dr. Aaron Reedy (@Mr_Reedy), CEO of DataClassroom