This website was updated in 

May 2024

Ngā mihi 



Our Mission

Supporting ākonga and whānau through an effective and valuable transition process. 

Infancy - 6 years

Our transition community consists of all those involved in transitioning tamariki.

 From infancy to 6 years old.

What we need...

We need a transition community that is connecting together regularly . Talking kanohi ke te kanohi, about where we are and what we need for our tamariki, whānau, kaiako and actioning change.


Why is focusing on transitions important?

Transitioning our tamariki and their whānau start from the moment our whānau enter our early learning centres. 

We need to ensure centres, kaiako and whānau start working towards these key competencies, slowly, over time and with guidance, ensuring we set our whānau and their tamariki up for transition success. 

Successful transitions are about walking alongside whānau and tamariki every step of the way.

Success will look like...

Discussing and sharing information with whānau about schools in their area and zone.

How we will do this...


Rachel Wilson - Across School Lead


ECE - Primary