EDIZIONE 2019/2020


Smart Students taking part in the new Open Windows of Europe Project 2020 briefly introduce themselves so as to get to know each other and get ready to start working together, build new knolwedge and Life Skills and Competences!

Bortolotto Luca_Presentation-OpenWindows.pdf
Buchsbaum Samuele_Presentation_OWE_19_20.pdf
De Giudici Arianna_presentation.docx
De Giudici Arianna_presentation.pdf
De Matteis Victor_Presentation_2020.pdf
Ermacora Nicole_presentazione OWE 20.pdf
Fiškuš Eva.pdf
Gava Piera_ OWE Presentation.pdf
Gruber Gioia_Openwindows.pdf
Jakupovic Sara_OWE_exchangestudent.pdf
Leonarduzzi Chiara_presentation.pdf
Manicone Beatrice_OWE presentation.pdf
Marangone Sofia_OWE Presentation-OpenWindows.pdf
Matheis Cecile_Prensentation.pdf
Mayrobnig Simone_ OWE 2020.pdf
Meret Silvia_Presentation.pdf
Miorin Isabella_Open windows.pdf
Ottogalli Federico_Presentation.pdf
Reynaerts Elva_OWE 2020 Italy.pdf
Sburlino Marco_OWE 2020.pdf
Unterweger Katharina_OWE 2020.pdf
Vincenzi Alessandro_OWE 2020.pdf
Wienerroither Elena_OWE Vorstellung - Italienisch.pdf
Zampieri Caterina_OWE Presentation.pdf