Rules, Rights & Responsibilities

1. The Garden: is on public land, gardeners agree to be inclusive and welcoming to community members. Our purpose is to work individually and together to inspire ourselves and each other in the garden and to share with the Proctor Community at large.

2. Community Service: All gardeners sign up for and complete a volunteer task from the garden maintenance list. Exceptions for seniors and disabled persons may be granted. Per the By-Laws Community Service is required at the Proctor Community Garden. A minimum of four hours of service per plot per year toward the betterment of the garden is required. Lack of volunteer hours will result in termination of the plot for the following year.

3. Garden Fees, Application and Release Form: are due Jan. 30th annually. Unpaid plots are reassigned starting Feb. 15th. Newly assigned plot payments and forms are due no later than 5 days after plot assignment. Unpaid and/or incomplete release form may result in plot reassignment. Accommodation may be granted as needed.

4. Garden Assignment: Plots are assigned to one primary gardener for year-round use.

  • Gardening families and groups may have multiple gardeners tending their plot so long as each additional family or group member has signed the application and release form as a secondary gardener.

  • Each year every gardener is required to sign the application and release form for the new year.

  • When a plot becomes available it’s first open to current gardeners on the waitlist who wish to trade.

  • Waitlist gardeners who decline an available plot or box are removed from the list.

  • All gardeners are limited to a maximum of two plots in the garden. After obtaining their first plot, gardeners may get on the wait-list for a second plot.

  • All plot changes must be approved by the Steering Team.

5. Garden Activities: Smoking of any substance is prohibited in the garden.

  • Commercial growing is prohibited.

  • Watering systems must be attached with split connectors so faucets are still accessible to others.

  • Watering systems must water only your plot, watering over plot boundaries is prohibited.

  • Only organic fertilizers, herbicides, and pest control methods are to be used in the garden.

  • Garden plot boundary access markers are permanent and shall not be moved or removed.

  • Gardeners shall not plant tall plants where they will shade a neighbor’s plants.

  • Internal garden structures, (plant supports, cages, stakes) shall be kept under 8 feet.

6. Plot Condition: Gardeners agree to maintain their plot in a functional state, free of weeds, waste or debris. Any plot not maintained free of weeds, waste or debris without communication of special circumstances to the steering team will be considered abandoned and reassigned to a waitlist gardener.

7. Other Gardeners and Common areas: Gardeners are to be respectful of neighboring plots, pathways and spaces. Plants and personal items must be kept within the borders of your own plot. Nothing can be left in pathways, along, plot lines, fence lines or in common spaces. In the shed a 5 gallon bucket may be used for personal items in assigned numbered space on the shelves. No other personal items can be stored anywhere in the garden.

8. Children and Pets: Children are welcome and encouraged to garden when supervised. Do not allow children to run or play in other plots. Gardeners may bring a leashed dog to their own garden plot. Gardeners will be expected to clean up after their pet and reimburse others for any damage incurred.

9. Governing: The Proctor Community Garden is self-governed. Any issue arising that is not covered in these Rights & Responsibilities or in the By-Laws will be decided upon by the Steering Team.

10. Garden issues: Individuals are expected to talk to each other to resolve differences. When gardeners cannot resolve differences they can seek assistance from the Steering Team.

11. Notice: Notice to the primary gardener represents notice to the entire family or group. If a condition of notice is not resolved as determined by the Steering Team, the plot will be reassigned 15 days after the date of notice. When a second notice is required in the same year the plot will be reassigned immediately.

Waitlist Procedures

1. First contact:

A steering team member will contact the top person(s) on the list as plots become available.

2. Short response window:

When contacted, waiting gardeners are only given a short time to respond, if a response is not received (within a few day) the next gardener on the list will be contacted.

3. Garden orientation and plot assignments:

Wait-list gardeners will meet with a steering team member to discuss the process and see the available plot(s).