
The venue of the PROCOAST 24 will be the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, located in Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465 Porto, PORTUGAL (Figure 1 and 2,  

Figure 1- FEUP Location

Figure 2 - Feup Entrance

The check-in will be held in the Hydraulics Laboratory of FEUP, located in the H building at the Hydraulics, Water Resources and Environment Division (SHRHA) (Figure 3). 

Figure 3 - Location of the H Building in FEUP Campus and of the Hydraulics Laboratory within the H building. 

How to reach the Hydraulics Laboratory?

At building H, choose the door with the stamp SHRHA and enter. When inside the building, enter through the door on the right, continue forward along the corridor, turn right and go up the stairs until you find a door that says "Laboratorio de Hidráulica". Continue straight ahead and you will find the laboratory on your right.

Figure 4 - How to reach the Hydraulics Laboratory within the H building, where the check-in will be held.