Course on Probabilistic Design of Coastal Structures

🗓 18th -21th June 2024

⚲ Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto - Porto, Portugal 


WELCOME TO ProCoast 24'

The present course provides a solid background on probabilistic analyze of coastal structures. By covering a wide range of themes, the attendees of this 4 days course will learn how to model coastal structures (focusing on breakwaters) for their design and optimization. To this end, statistical analyses of hydrodynamic and/or morphodynamic environmental conditions and numerical methods applied to the probabilistic behavior of coastal structures will be studied and applied.

Sponsored by major global Companies and Universities, this course will give strong basis in probabilistic design and optimization methodologies of coastal structures.

See our detailed contents here. You can also check our distinct panel of speakers.


Engineers and researchers involved in the design of coastal structures, including breakwaters, dikes, Jetties. Contract engineers, coastal consultants, Team leaders, Conversion Engineers, Project engineers and managers, Safety inspectors will benefit from attending this course. The course is innovative in both content & structure with a careful balance of theory & practice. This course is also suitable for young professionals or researchers which aim to develop their skills and knowledge regarding coastal engineering design.