
VPS takes place Monday afternoon every two weeks, with locations alternating between the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna, and IST Austria. The research seminar consists of two consecutive talks lasting 50 minutes including questions. 

This seminar is jointly organised by the following research departments: Financial and Actuarial Mathematics (TU Wien), Mathematical Finance and Probability Theory (University of Vienna), Quantitative Risk Management and Mathematical Finance (University of Vienna), Statistics and Mathematics (Vienna University of Economics and Business). 

The idea of this seminar is to discuss recent results, or some interesting papers we’ve recently read, or just something exciting that we want to share with each other, and sometimes we have guests. The seminar is very informal and there is always a lot of discussions during the talks (so they tend to last a little longer…). NSIS takes place at TU Wien during winter semester 2023.

This series of events is jointly organised by the community of probabilists -- in a very wide sense -- of Vienna (IST, TUW, UW) and Budapest (BME, ELTE, RI). The informal group of organisers consists (right now) of: Mathias Beiglböck, Nathanaël Berestycki, László Erdős, Jan Maas, Miklós Rásonyi, Gábor Pete, Fabio Toninelli and Bálint Tóth.

The events are held quasi-regularly, with one or two meetings per semester, consisting of three 50 minutes lectures. The location of the events will alternate between the two cities Budapest and Vienna. All are welcome!