Probability in Vienna

Welcome to the website of the Vienna probability community! 

Here you will find information concerning people working in probability in Vienna (either at University of Vienna, TU Vienna, or IST Austria). You will also find information about local events (such as seminars, reading groups, conferences) and news concerning our community. 

Our research interests cover a broad range of subjects, from statistical mechanics to SPDEs, from random matrices to stochastic optimal transport, from probabilistic combinatorics and representation theory to mathematical finance, and from random conformal geometry to mathematical biology.

Our community consists of more than 10 permanent faculty, 15 postdocs, and about 15 PhD students. 

If you want to sign up to our mailing list, follow the instructions at this link.

Some useful links: Schroedinger institute, Discrete mathematics seminar.

This page is maintained by Astrid Kollros-Spinka and Nathanael Berestycki - please contact us if you need assistance or want to make suggestions for this page.
Picture credits: Jason Miller, Rick Kenyon