Beginner's Guide

To start out, please request membership and pick a starter! Once you are approved, you will be given an inventory to log your Pokemon, items, and pearls.

When designing your starter (or any Pokemon without the patterned or hued trait), 30% of their bodies may be covered in patterns that follow their variant's general palette!

When you have designed your starter, it would be advised to make them a toyhouse profile and add them to this world. You can then draw your starter or submit your reference to redeem for pearls!

Pearls can buy you pokeballs to recruit new Pokemon to draw and design. You can also use them to buy any trade offers from other members of the ARPG, buy items available, explore, or many other choices.

Once you have your Pokemon at a high enough level, you may evolve them or breed with other Pokemon if desired! Quests and explorations will get you rewards, or leave/buy Pokemon from the recruiting board.

Although there are many variants, traits, and alterations, designs are allowed to be quite open and creative here! If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask them, and it's your ARPG to have fun with!