
Each color is divided into groups of 3. Dark shades are rare, medium shades are common, and light shades are uncommon.

No matter the species of the Pokemon, keep the variant's GENERAL palette consistent to these examples. Eye color doesn't have to be the same as the examples!

Common form

Regional form

Shiny form

Shiny regional form

Sable group

Soot, Sable, Obsidian

Ivory group

Lace, Ivory, Alabaster

Crimson group

Auburn, Crimson, Ruby

Amber group

Honey, Amber, Pumpkin

Tuscan group

Sugar, Tuscan, Marigold

Sorrel group

Sage, Sorrel, Viridian

Lapis group

Celeste, Lapis, Admiral

Iris group

Lavender, Iris, Midnight

Cerise group

Peach, Cerise, Rosewood

Maple group

Latte, Maple, Brunette

These neon and greyscale variants were made by Kelldeo! They all are as rare as the dark shaded variants.

Chartreuse group

Lime, Chartreuse, Aloe

Magenta group

Blush, Magenta, Hibiscus

Moon group

Polar, Moon, Onyx

These variants are exclusive to raffles, events, and so on, so you will not see them when catching or as a choice for your starter.


These Pokemon tend to be as sparkly as the midnight sky. Fur can be wispy!


Pokemon with this variant tend to have fur as soft as clouds.


This variant is quite vivid. This can also include sunrise colors!


Pokemon such as these tend to have light and rare colors of turquoise.


The variant is as blue as the bluest of oceans. Oceanic patterns may be included in designs!


These colors resemble that of a winter deerling. Spotted patterns may be anywhere to any amount in designs!