International Day of Forests 2023

March 21, 2023

Happy International Day of Forests!

This year's theme, "Healthy forests for healthy people," highlights the importance of forests in promoting our overall health and well-being. Forests provide us with clean air, and freshwater, and contribute to the regulation of our climate. They also offer recreational opportunities that can help reduce stress and improve mental health. 

As a water company, we understand the critical role that forests play in ensuring a healthy planet and healthy communities. Let's celebrate our forests today and every day by committing to their sustainable management and protection.

Did you know that forests are vital for sustainable food production? They provide habitats for pollinators, protect soil health, and offer a diverse range of crops. 

As a water company, we understand the importance of healthy forests in ensuring a sustainable future for food and water resources.

Today, we recognize the vital role of forests in creating employment opportunities and sustaining livelihoods. 

Did you know that the forest sector generates jobs for at least 33 million people worldwide, and forest products are used by billions? 

As a water company, we understand the importance of preserving our forests and the impact they have on the global economy. 

Let's celebrate our forests and work together to ensure their sustainable management for future generations.

Today, we celebrate the incredible benefits that forests provide us, including their role in contributing to carbon neutrality. Expanding the use of forest products, such as wood for construction and furniture, can help reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and promote a more sustainable future. 

As a water company, we recognize the importance of preserving our forests and the positive impact it has on the environment. 

Let's work together to ensure the responsible management of our forests and promote the use of sustainable forest products.

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