World Tuberculosis Day 2023

Did you know that World TB Day is observed on March 24th every year to raise public awareness about the devastating impact of TB and the efforts to eliminate the disease?

This 2023, the theme is 'Yes! We can end TB!', emphasizing the need for global solidarity and commitment to end TB once and for all. 

World Tuberculosis Day was made all the more meaningful by the informative and engaging seminar presented by Ms. Mary Divine Grace T. Hofeliña, a TB expert and nurse from Panabo City Health Office.

We are grateful for your passion, knowledge, and commitment to improving TB prevention and treatment in our community. Thank you for sharing your expertise and inspiring us to continue the fight against TB.

#WorldTuberculosisDay #WorldTBDay #PrimeWater #PrimeWaterPanabo #PanaboWaterDistrict