Pagkab-ot sa Barangay in Four Barangays

June 22 and 25, 2022

PANABO, DAVAO DEL NORTE—PrimeWater Panabo conducted their Pagkab-ot sa Barangay drive, which aims to bring customers closer last June 22 and 25 at Brgy. New Visayas, Brgy. Quezon, Brgy. Cagangohan, and Brgy. New Pandan.

Pagkab-ot sa Barangay includes New Water Service Connection Drive, Bayanihan Collection, Payment Channels, and Alleasy Promotion.

The activity is part of Lingap Karunungan, PrimeWater’s Corporate Social Responsibility leg under its Daloy ng Paglingap program, which reinforces customer education.

The initiative was attended by Customer & Stakeholder Management Lead Raff Rendell C. Armedilla, Customer & Stakeholder Management Officer Emier Jhon S. Ferrer, Administrative Officer Rosminda S. Omila, Collection Lead Gyssan S. Barbarona, Collection Assistant Krisamane J. Grado, Accounting & Finance Officer Phobe Jan P. Cubio, and Territory Officers, Reynaldo T. Jamin, Jeffrey L. Candontol, Michael Jireh Bastas, and Danly C. Pagpaguitan.

#DaloyNgPaglingap #LingapKarunungan #PrimeWaterPanabo #PrimeWater