I was at a dealership in Burnaby and asked about the RAV4 Prime plug in hybrid. Dealer mentioned that the current line consists of 600 people and approximately time around 6 years because in 2022 they received from Toyota only 25 RAV4 Prime and in 2021 only 100 cars. That's why dealer can make a conclusion that in the best conditions waiting time is over 6 years.

Hello....Covid and the holidays has put a strain on training. Some trainers havent wanted to train due to covid. Also Prime offered us up to $800 bonus to stay out through the holidays which caused trainers like me to take home time during the second half of January. Last I heard there were 38 people waiting....but your preferences will determine your wait length. It will take longer to get a female trainer than a female for example. Or smoker vs non smoker. Another issue is that like with my current trainee....she wants to stay on my truck through the winter.

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This course will go into depth of how to effectively manage a waiting list. HUD has very particular rules about waiting lists and we will cover the rules so that your property and managers will be in compliance with the regulations.

Incorrect management of waiting list will affect you as for a compliance review and also can pose some fair housing issues as well. You will understand what to do and not to do in working with waiting lists.

You will learn the correct way to handle waiting lists according to HUD guidelines. There are many nuances to doing this correctly and after attending the seminar you will have a good understanding of managing the waiting list.

On May 23, chief of general staff Yitzhak Rabin met with former prime minister David Ben-Gurion to ask for reassurance. Ben-Gurion, however, accused him of putting the country in mortal jeopardy by mobilizing the reserves and openly preparing for war against a coalition of Arab states, saying that at the very least, Rabin should have obtained the support of a foreign power as he himself had done during the Sinai Campaign 11 years earlier. Rabin was shaken by the meeting and took to his bed for 36 hours, in what became known as the 'nicotine poisoning' incident.[20] Rabin turned to Ezer Weizman and asked him to replace him as Chief of Staff. Weizman refused, saying that it would be a severe blow to the IDF.[21]

On May 29, Haaretz newspaper wrote in its editorial that "Mr. Eshkol is not built to be the prime minister and the security minister in the current situation". Eshkol spoke in the Knesset and tried to calm the public that "it is reasonable to expect that the states that support in the principle of the freedom of sailing, will do and will coordinate an efficient action in order to ensure that the straits and the bay will be open to the passage of the ships of all the nations without discrimination". But the internal pressure continued. On June 1, Eshkol handed over the security portfolio to Moshe Dayan. Gahal representatives Menachem Begin and Yosef Sapir joined the government and were appointed ministers without portfolio.[8] It was the first unity government established in Israel, and in this time was called Memshelet Likud Leumi. Meanwhile, in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, people began digging trenches and filling sandbags.[8]

On June 2, Eshkol convened the security cabinet along with the IDF's General Staff at the Tel Aviv headquarters. Opposition to an attack came from Mapai's Zalman Aran and the NRP's Haim-Moshe Shapira, who said "I am ready to fight but not to commit suicide." Major-General Motti Hod tried to convince them that an Israeli Air Force attack was necessary. Major-General Matti Peled wondered why Israel was waiting, while Major-General Ariel Sharon said "IDF forces are more prepared than they ever were" to "totally destroy the Egyptian forces". Eshkol remained unconvinced.[22][23]

Optimus Prime : With the All Spark gone, we cannot return life to our planet. And fate has yielded its reward: a new world to call home. We live among its people now, hiding in plain sight, but watching over them in secret, waiting, protecting. I have witnessed their capacity for courage, and though we are worlds apart, like us, there's more to them than meets the eye. I am Optimus Prime, and I send this message to any surviving Autobots taking refuge among the stars. We are here. We are waiting.

Latvia's prime ministerial candidate, Evika Silia, on Wednesday officially unveiled the provisional division of ministerial portfolios in her administration, public broadcaster LSM reports. That coalition will be subject to a vote at the Saeima, the Latvian parliament, later this week.

For the Prime Minister to blame doctors for over seven and a half million patients on the waiting list is just a cheap shot. In 2013 there were around two and a half million people on the waiting list and no strikes; just before the pandemic in 2020, that figure was in excess of 4 million, and again no strikes. After the pandemic, when doctors had given their all, it had shot up to over six and a half million, and no doctors were on strike. The truth is that successive Conservative governments have done little to bring the waiting list under control, done little to alleviate the pain, discomfort and lack of safe care for patients and although the strike action will have added to that disruption and the waiting lists, that increase is a drop in the ocean when you look at the figures and rate of increase overall. That is not to negate the impact on any patient who is having to wait, but the vast majority are on that waiting list due to Government neglect of our health and social care services, not doctors striking.

He assured Afghans who have been waiting for more than two years for U.S. officials to process their visa applications that they won't be targeted. But his words are unlikely to bring much comfort to waiting Afghans who have to contend with economic hardships and lack of access to health, education and other services in Pakistan.

With the Conservatives trailing a disastrous average of 19 points behind Labour in the opinion polls, the thin-skinned British PM and his entourage are increasingly uptight about Starmer being treated as a prime minister in waiting - PMiW for short - especially by fellow VIPs.

UK prime ministers behave no differently. Tony Blair made a point of meeting the conservative candidate Angela Merkel in the run-up to a German election, even though he was in Berlin on a final visit to the outgoing chancellor, and fellow social democrat, Gerhard Schroder.

Sunak told MPs that he cancelled the invitation to the recently re-elected centre-right prime minister of a friendly European power "when it was clear that the purpose of the meeting was not to discuss substantive issues but rather to grandstand" about the Parthenon Marbles, sold to the British Museum by Lord Elgin.

Starmer wasted no time retorting that he had met "a fellow NATO member, an economic ally and one of our most important partners in tackling illegal immigration" and that "I discussed the economy, security and immigration with the Greek prime minister. I also told him we would not change the law regarding the marbles - it is not that difficult".

Trying to look like a prime minister has meant Starmer frequently falls in line with government plans to avoid controversy. With the scent of power in the air, and the Corbynistas largely sidelined, Labour MPs are going along with this in public. By contrast the Conservatives seldom miss an opportunity to disagree among themselves.

Point one on the confidential State Department memo to the president spelt it out: "WHAT DOES KINNOCK WANT? * To meet with the President as Leader of the British Opposition and potential prime minister to demonstrate that he is a serious figure in international affairs."

Starmer stuttered back that the PM was digging himself into a deeper hole: "Let me get this straight: the prime minister is now saying that meeting the prime minister of Greece is somehow supporting the EU, instead of discussing serious issues".

Perhaps the most painful swipe at PMQs for the prime minister came when Starmer risked a question, with the merest hint of a sizeist jibe at Sunak's diminutive stature: "Why such small politics, prime minister?"

When you are having symptoms of an asthma attack, focusing on proper inhaler technique might not be the first thing you think about. What does this mean? It may mean adjusting your routine to incorporate priming, waiting longer between inhaler uses, identifying which type of inhaler to use first, or something else.

Each inhaler that requires priming has specific instructions on how often to do it. Soft-mist inhalers (SMI), for example, should be primed if they have not been used for 3 days or more. Dry powder inhalers (DPI), however, should not be primed since full doses are loaded once you hear it click.7-9

As an example, say you have a brand-new device, and your instructions are to prime it 4 times. If the counter shows 124 puffs before you prime it, then you should spray it into the air, away from your face, 4 times. Make sure you shake your inhaler for at least 5 seconds before each spray. Your first puff should be inhaled when your device shows 120 puffs.6

We are profoundly concerned about the impact of this decision on those waiting for treatment, or those who are struggling to get any clinical help at all. The consequences of this decision will affect patients who are already unwell, vulnerable and disadvantaged.

The Patients Association was proud to be a member of the Elective Care Recovery Taskforce. We welcomed its commitments to build upon patient choice and to give patients the support they need to make the right decision for themselves. We have always been advocates for patient choice, but we must also be realistic: patients stuck endlessly on waiting lists who are unable to access any treatment have no choice at all.

In light of your personal commitment to reduce waiting lists, I implore you, on behalf of all patients, to intervene and ensure your Government gives the NHS the resources it needs to deal with the winter pressures that are upon us, and to ensure that patients get the treatment they need according to rights laid out in the NHS constitution. 006ab0faaa

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