Hi @Gregory_Kellett, currently Presenter Notes are not available with Prezi Live. A good solution could be to use to use any kind of screen-sharing application where you can share your presentation only, and keep the Presenter View on your device so you can see your presenter notes.

Hi @Gregory_Kellett, thanks for your feedback regarding the presenter notes.

Currently this feature is not available in our product, but I will pass along your request to our product team so they can check on it.

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I have the same request about presenter notes on mobile devices. I like to teach using my iPad, and would love to be able to have both my notes and my presentation viable on the tablet. I understand that getting this to work in the app may require a lot of work. Might I suggest that a work around might be to enable multitasking on tablets? I use an iPad Pro, and most apps allow me to open the native iOS Notes app along the side. The Prezi Viewer app blocks this feature. If you enabled multitasking I could have both my presentation and my notes viewable at the same time.

I've been following MVP design pattern provided by Google to refactor my application. I have one MainActivity and many Fragments and it seems little be messy for me to create an activity for every fragment, so I've been thinking to register presenter in fragment. What I'm seeing is that every fragment register its own presenter, but I'm not sure how much wrong it is... :)

I think creating Presenter in Fragment is not a good practice. First of all they are separate layers. This is illegal for Separation of concerns. And second, if you create presenter in Fragment, you bind your Presenter's life to view's LifeCycle and when Fragment is destroyed and recreated, you create a new presenter but they're different layers.

I came across the same repository to check how the architecture was supposed to follow with Fragments, which is indeed a good way to do the instantiation of the presenter inside the host Activity if you have only 1 Fragment as a child.

The thing is that if I need to have multiple Fragments inside one host Activity I should make an instance of each presenter and pass it through my FragmentManager inside each Fragment and that I think is not what I was looking at since it adds multiple instantiations of the presenter from the Host Activity.

In an attempt to entirely decouple the Android SDK from my presenter classes, I'm trying to figure out the best way to avoid accessing resource IDs which we normally use R for. I thought I could just create an interface to access things like string resources, but I still need IDs to reference the strings. If I were to do something like...

If I give up and just use the R.string values, my presenter is bound to my view again. That's not ideal? Is there an easier solution that people use to get around this in order to keep them out of the presenter. I don't want to manage strings in a way outside of what Android provides, because I still want to throw them in layout files and get the benefit of internationalization, etc. I want to make a dumb unit test that can work with this presenter without having to have the Android SDK generate the R.java files. Is this too much to ask?

With this approach you can test your method in presenter. It depends on R object but it's okay. all MVP classes placed in presentation layer in uncle bob clean architecture so you can use android objects like R class. but in domain layer you have to use only regular java objects

I believe not, because what is important for the presenter is that the view shows a message regarding network error, be it "Network error! please try again" or "There is a network error. Please try later."

I often put business logic code in Model Layer (don't make confusion with model in database). I often rename as XManager for avoiding confusion (such as ProductManager, MediaManager ...) so presenter class just uses for keeping workflow.

The rule of thumb is no or at least limit import android package in presenter class. This best practice supports you easier in testing presenter class because presenter now is just a plain java class, so we don't need android framework for testing those things.

View class: This is a place you store all your view such as button, textview ... and you set all listeners for those view components on this layer. Also on this View, you define a Listener class for presenter implements later. Your view components will call methods on this listener class.

Presenter class: This is where you store view and model inside for calling later. Also presenter class will implement ViewListener interface has defined above. Main point of presenter is control logic workflow.

Manager class: Here is the core business logic code. Maybe one presenter will have many managers (depend on how complicate the view is). Often we get Context class through some injection framework such as Dagger.

I am currently trying to implement the MVP pattern on Android. However, I came to think about memory leaks (since the presenter holds a reference to the activity - the view). My question is, should I set the view of the presenter to null say onDestroy of the activity?

This is a problem because then a singleton class will hold a reference to Activity, which consequently prevents it from ever being garbage collected. When your Activity is destroyed, it will be useless to the user, but will still occupy memory (RAM). Apart from taking precious memory, the presenter might receive events like successful API response, which will trigger a view.doSomething method, which can cause crashes (working with destroyed Activity's UI is not something you should ever do, the Android framework will throw exceptions).

Generally, Presenters are not so widely scoped so it's not an issue. If your presenters are scoped to live longer than Activity, you need to manually set the view reference to null to solve the problem.

To solve the described issues, you need to use something like userRepository.clear() or eventbus.unsubscribe(this). The implementations of such methods should cancel all in-flight requests and remove the references to subscriber/listener (presenter).If you do it right, you don't even need to set presenter's view reference to null. Garbage collector is smart enough to figure out your Activity and Presenter objects are holding reference to each other, but no other component is holding reference to them and delete both of them from Memory.However, my recommendation is to do it anyway, since it's an easy operation which does not have to be repeated everywhere (can be done in BasePresenter class) and may save you if you forget to clear some reference manually.

If Presenter's lifetime is not longer then Activity's, there is no need to set view to null. The important part is to stop background thread where your presenter executes its work. If you stop Presenter's background thread in onDestroy, then the thread is terminated and doesn't keep a link to the Activity anymore. So both Activity and Presenter can be collected by GC soon.

I have two screens, that I use in extended mode. When I start my Powerpoint in presenter mode, on one screen is the presentation in Full screen, and on the other I can see my notes, and I can also see what the next slide or animation will be (so I can look into the future you might say).

I like this presenter screen quite a bit, it is my guidance when teaching remotely. I have this presenter screen on the monitor where also my camera is located, so I can look at my notes and what is coming next, and students at home get the feeling I am looking at them.

To clarify, this screenshot. I am looking for a way to get presenter view showing when doing a slideshow in windowed mode. But I cannot put the checkmark there, the possibility is greyed out for some reason ...

Presenter mode is working like a charm, when it's available. But for some reason it's not available for all documents in the same space, and I can't figure out if there's something in some documents that cancels out the option?

Also, when in presenter mode the URLs to anchor points within a document doesn't work. Is it not supposed to?

Is it possible that some of the pages have not been converted to the new editor? As I understand it presenter mode only works on pages that are constructed in the new editor. Here's a link to That info - present-your-page-with-presenter-mode . Unfortunately I do not have presenter mode on my instance where I can verify all of this.

Thanks for the reply. I have installed both the Add-on and the extension. I have also added Slido to the presentation. I can visit the slido website and answer questions so it is all working well except for the presenter view. Let me explain more.

When I need to start a slide show, Slido says I must use Slido in order for their slides to work. I have two buttons to choose from - Googles And Slidos. When I choose the green slido button, I can present the slideshow from the beginning OR I can present the slideshow from the current slide. There is no option to open presenter view. When I use this green Slido option, the slideshow starts and takes up my entire screen. When I hit escape to leave the entire screen, the slideshow ends.

So it will have to be the less professional - switch between google presenter view (slides window) and the slido presenter window until it is implemented (which based on curt reply seems like no plans at this stage).

AGU wants to provide presenters and conveners with the tools they need to promote their participation in AGU23. To assist you with increasing awareness of your engagement, boosting attendance at your session and broadening the outreach for the conference, we are providing you with step-by-step instructions to assist with these efforts.

If you have not uploaded your slides online, in-person oral session presenters may check in at the on-site Speaker Ready Room at least 24 hours before their presentation, even if they have uploaded their presentation slides. If you cannot check in at the Speaker Ready Room 24 hours before your session, please go to the Speaker Ready Room as early as possible before the start of your session. 2351a5e196

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