cereal is a header-only C++11 serialization library. cereal takes arbitrarydata types and reversibly turns them into different representations, such ascompact binary encodings, XML, or JSON. cereal was designed to be fast,light-weight, and easy to extend - it has no external dependencies and can beeasily bundled with other code or used standalone.

Serialization support for pretty much every type in the standard library comes out of the box with cereal. cereal also fully supports inheritance and polymorphism. Since cereal was written to be a minimal, fast library, it does not perform the same level of object tracking as other serialization libraries such as Boost. As a consequence of this raw pointers and references are not supported, however smart pointers (things like std::shared_ptr and std::unique_ptr) are no problem.

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cereal uses features new to C++11 and requires a fairly compliant C++ compiler to work properly. cereal officially supports g++ 4.7.3, clang++ 3.3, and MSVC 2013 (or newer). It may work on older versions or other compilers such as ICC, but there is no emphasis on supporting them. cereal works under both libstdc++ and libc++ when compiling with g++ or clang++.

cereal comes with excellent standard library support as well as binary, XML, and JSON serializers. If you need something else, cereal was written to be easily extensible for adding custom serialization archives or types.

We use your data to provide and improve the Service. By using the Service, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this policy. Unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy, terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in our Terms and Conditions, accessible from hellocereal.com

I used a large round piping tip to stamp out my circles. I also added dried cranberries and cherries and pecans and marcona almonds but feel free to change those up based on what you have on hand. The only thing you really need to pay attention to is making sure the cookies and meringues are really good and dry before taking them out of the oven, that will help this cereal keep for a while and not get smelly when you bag it up and gift it to the person you forgot to give a gift to.

A few weeks ago, Kim Severson at the New York Times wrote about the flagging cereal industry. The article cited a recent study by market research firm Mintel, which found that 40 percent of millennials believe cereal takes too much work to clean up.

Of course, the apocalyptic laziness of millennials would bring the end of sugary breakfast food we all know and love. My generation is so coddled and beyond saving that we've already given up cooking, and now we are collectively killing the cereal industry, robbing the rest of you of Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs.

From there the resulting clickbait practically wrote itself: " Millennials Think Eating Cereal Is Way Too Difficult." "Millennials literally too lazy to eat cereal." "Millennials are too lazy to pour cereal into a bowl, then clean up after themselves." " Millennials don't like cereal because they hate doing dishes." And by far the best: "If young adults are not even up to the job of cleaning a cereal bowl, is it any wonder they want Bernie Sanders as President?" On top of all our other sins, we now admit that even a cursory rinse is a herculean effort.

Set aside the New York Times' odd fixation with anything that so much as rhymes with "millennial." Breakfast remains the most-skipped meal of the day, with half of Americans not consistently eating breakfast, and 12 percent rarely eating breakfast at all. But even though cereal sales have been dipping consistently since the early 2000s, we're still looking at a $10 billion a year industry.

She continues: "Consumers are increasingly pressed for time, so for breakfast specifically we're not necessarily sitting down at the breakfast table each day, so when it comes to finding products that are going to satisfy those needs, we need convenient, portable food." She cites the popularity of McDonald's all-day breakfast, or on-the-go sandwiches, or cereal bars as conveniences that are doing just fine "It all ties back to being too busy to have a sit-down breakfast at home, and that's impacting product development across the board," she adds.

The big issue here isn't that millennials aren't eating cereal, or that they think it's too much work. They aren't eating it for breakfast and they think it takes too much time for breakfast. On top of that, Topper points out that millennials are more concerned than other groups with getting sufficient protein and fiber in the morning, and they aren't likely to see cereal satisfying that need. Millennials are also the most likely age group to say that cereal just gives them a sugar rush in place of actual energy.

And another study written by Topper last year on millennial shopping habits found that they're more health-focused than older generations. "It's definitely a trend across the board in the way that millennials shop for and consume food," she says. "In general, we know that millennials are less likely to buy processed food than older generations, and even more of them are bypassing the center of the store where all of the processed foods are, including cereal."

Although I highly recommend soaking the cereal overnight, you can of course cook it from raw the morning you are eating it. In both cases however, rinse the cereal under cool running water before cooking. I use a very fine mesh sieve for this, as the chia and amaranth seeds will fall through large holes.

The below batch recipe is a good starting amount, and will make 18-19 portions if you go with  cup / 50g servings. I find this amount is perfect for me once I add in fruit, some nuts or seeds and superfoods, but if your calories needs are higher, go for 1/3 or 1/2 cup servings. If you want to double, triple or quadruple the batch amount, feel free to do so. I just recommend making this amount first and testing it to make sure you really like it, then you can make it your go-to cereal.

I wanted to thank you for this recipe and for your gentle and knowledgable reminder about whole grains. I have been eating versions of this cereal (sometimes I add teff which is very good!) a few days a week for the last year. It is delicious, leaves me feeling like I canticle my day and I believe it has been beneficial to my health over all. You are very good at what you do.

I have a silly question! Is this the same cereal you mentioned making for your child? If not, can you please share that recipe or at least the ingredients? Also, I just found your blog yesterday and I am in LOVE!

Hello! Thanks for permanent inspiration of healthy-tasty-deli eating!

I love this super cereal and I just wanted to share that I am making in savoury as well as a porridge or risotto and its fantastic!!!

Absolut in love with your book! Its my favourite present for birthdays at the moment!!!

xx happy saturday!


Hot cereal in the morning is so satisfying, and savory-style is my favorite! I love to cook the porridge with chopped kale and garlic powder, then top it with fresh tomatoes and pesto. Bleu cheese is also a decadent add.

your blog is very interesting and also beautiful, congrats!!

I have a question regarding buckwheat. I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and here we only can get black buckwheat, which is the version of the cereal with the husk outside. How we can eat it? Is it possible?

This may be a silly question but re: super cereal. the portions that you list for 18-19 servings, are you saying to combine the uncooked grains and nuts, seeds and then use 1/4 cup at a time? sorry, am new at this! we have started making steel cut oats and adding chia, flax, pumpkin seeds but I am looking forward to trying this, thank you!

Wow so exciting to see your book, finally! Im almost counting the weeks until it gets released and i can dive in ?

And i just mixed together your cereal mix, will try it tomorrow morning! Would love to have a go to cereal mix for days when i dont crave a smoothie or bread!

All the best to you and your little one (and also to the big one of course ?

I struggled for many years with PCOS, and while I seem to be reasonable symptom free since I managed to finally get pregnant with my first child, I wanted to mention on the carbs. I read quite a bit on buckwheat in my search for foods that could help heal my system and buckwheat apparently is very helpful in helping to control insulin levels in the blood. I started eating it regularly/daily not long before things started to rebalance themselves, also with a little help for a few months from an amazing Chinese Dr, and I felt much better and in balance everytime I eat it. Istill try to consume it as regularly as possible in cereal or bread form. Cinammon is also another great addition to some hot cereal that also helps balance these levels. I thinks most of the grains Sarah has selected could be safe for you to eat with PCOS, and I do also regularly consume the others listed too, but it is good to do a little research or ask a Dr that you feel supports you. Most importantly try to listen o your body. iknow how hard that can be with PCOS but it is possible. Good luck.

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