Down on the Farm

Build a Farm!

Kids will be making animals that stand with clothespins and then building farm enclosures for them!

Cc is for Cow

  1. Trace the letter C and small letter c with your fingers. What shapes do you see in the letters?

  2. Make the letters Cc with your hand in the air.

  3. Glue the cow onto your paper with the letter Cc. Can you draw other animals that begin with Cc?

  4. Go on a Letter C hunt! Find things around your house that begin with the letter C and take pictures! You can make a digital picture dictionary!

Where is . . . ?

Where is the animal? Is it on? Beside? Under? Kids will practice with spatial relationships in this fun activity and then make their very own book to read.

Here is a fun video to learn about directional or spatial relationships.

Additional books can be printed from:

Make a farm animal mask!

Cut out the farm animal mask from the card stock. Tie yarn on each end and tie around child's face.

Other farm animal masks, including ones for your child to color can be found at Woo! Jr

These books are "down on the farm" fun!

Pick up these farm-tastic books at the library:

Peek-a-Moo by Marie Torres Cimarusti

Down by the Barn by Will Hillenbrand

Kiss the Cow by Phyllis Root

Farm the Farm by Sarah Lynne Reul

Color Farm by Lois Ehlert

On the Farm, At the Market by G. Brian Karas

Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Farm by Joy Cowley

Pete the Cat: Old MacDonald Had a Farm by James Dean

Farm Animals by Rod Campbell

Punk Farm by Jarrett Krosoczka

You can also find a Down on the Farm storytime by clicking here.