The Lab for Precision Turfgrass Management @ NC State

We integrate turfgrass science with data science to improve the environmental and social outcomes of turf systems


Curriculum Vitae

Our lab aims to develop precision turfgrass management strategies which improve resource (i.e., fertilizer, water, and pesticide) use efficiency and create more sustainable turfgrass systems. We use remote sensing to monitor turfgrass performance and predict turfgrass performance and resource needs with machine learning models. In addition, we conduct experiments at lake wheeler turfgrass research field, laboratory, greenhouse, and growth chamber to understand turfgrass growth under various environmental conditions and management practices.

The lab is directed by Dr. Qiyu Zhou, an assistant professor of turfgrass management at North Carolina State University holding 60% teaching and 40% research. She received her Ph.D. at University of Wisconsin-Madison with Dr. Doug Soldat in 2021, and studied turfgrass management and developed machine learning models for precision application of nitrogen to golf course green. She conducted post-doctoral work with Dr. Pawel Petelewicz studying precision weed control in turfgrass at University of Florida.

We are seeking curious minds to join the team, contact us to get involved!