
Group leader

Professor Kosmas Prassides


Kosmas Prassides was born in Kavala, Greece and read Chemistry at Oxford University where he also completed his doctoral research on inorganic mixed valency compounds under the supervision of Professor P. Day FRS.

He was then the Drapers’ Research Fellow at St. Anne’s College, Oxford, working closely with Professor P. N. Schatz (University of Virginia) on the development of the PKS theoretical model for mixed valency systems. Following a spell as Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the University of Crete, Greece, he returned in 1989 to the UK at the University of Sussex where he remained until 2004 and he was successively Lecturer, Reader and Professor of Solid State Chemistry.

In 2005, he took up a Chair in Materials Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry, Durham University. In October 2014, he relocated to Japan as a Professor at Tohoku University and Principal Investigator at the Advanced Institute for Materials Research (WPI-AIMR). In October 2018, he accepted a Chair in Materials Science at the Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University. He remains a visiting Professor at AIMR.

His research interests are multi-disciplinary and encompass a range of structural, magnetic and electronic problems in modern materials, straddling the areas of condensed matter physics and chemistry.

His primary focus is currently on the study of strongly correlated electron systems, which typically display remarkable electronic properties that challenge existing theory for satisfactory explanations. The delicate balance between localised and itinerant behaviour related to the strongly correlated nature of the systems and the metallic, insulating and superconducting states lie at the heart of his ongoing research.

He has been using core chemical approaches to access unusual structures and electronic, conducting and magnetic ground states and probe the physics in key materials, especially metal fulleride solids. He has advanced the understanding of molecular superconductivity and magnetism and the generic problem of the metal-Mott insulator transition, unveiling the fullerides as model members of the high-Tc superconductivity family, potentially holding the key to the understanding of the pre-requisites for high-Tc superconductivity when electron correlation is important.

Research Associate

Dr. Naoya Yoshikane

E-mail : n.yoshikane[at]

    [Researcher ID]


     Web of Science:

[Research Theme]
My current research interests lie on the exotic electronic properties such as superconductivity, valence instabilities, and multiferroism emerging from strongly-correlated molecular systems such as metal intercalated C60 fullerides and cyanide-bridged metal frameworks such as Prussian Blue analogues (PBAs).
During my Bachelor and Master degrees’ projects (2018-2021) I researched the correlation between crystal and electronic structures of rare-earth fullerides (RE2.75C60) using synchrotron XRD and XAS techniques at both ambient and high pressure at the SPring-8 facility.
In the doctoral course (2021-2024), I explore the correlated physics in the solid-state chemistry of fullerene mixed-valence material and molecular magnets, Prussian Blue analogues using Neutron and synchrotron X-ray techniques.

2021 April ~ 2023 March 「Osaka Prefecture University fellowship student」
大阪府立大学科学技術イノベーション創出に向けた大学フェローシップ創設事業 フェローシップ生

      2023 April ~ 2024 March Research Fellowships for Young Scientists, DC2
      2021 May ~  2024 March   Research Assistant, Prassides Lab.

      2024 April ~ Present        「Research Fellowships for Young Scientists, PD (continue from DC2)in Kubota lab@ Osaka Metropolitan Uni. Graduate School of Science

[Other interests]
Orchestra, reading books and movie watching, driving

Doctoral Students

Keisuke Matsui (D3)

E-mail : se22849e[at]

[Researcher ID]


Web of Science:

[Research Theme]
At present my work follows along the development of two distinct themes. The first is the exploration of the conditions necessary to synthesize and study the properties of superconducting fullerides in which we are able to control both the bandwidth and the doping level simultaneously. This also includes superatomic chemistry such as co-crystallization of C60 with other highly symmetric clusters / molecules. The second focuses on the development of the chemistry and physics of endohedral metallofullerenes, M@C60 and their metal-exohedrally-intercalated derivatives achieving dual control (eso-/exo-) of the electronic properties.

[Other interests]
Marine activities (scuba diving, skin diving, snorkeling, fishing), swimming, gymnastics, physical training, net surfing

Former Members