Electronic Functional Materials Group

@ Osaka Metropolitan University, JAPAN

Welcome to the Prassides Group website

Our research interests are multi-disciplinary and encompass a range of structural, dynamic, magnetic, and electronic problems in contemporary materials science, straddling condensed matter physics and chemistry and impact on diverse sectors of science and technology, both via materials with new figures of merit for near-term applications and by generating new properties which challenge accepted understanding.

We use core chemical approaches to access unusual structures and electronic, conducting, and magnetic ground states and probe the physics in key proof-of-concept materials, including mixed valency systems, porous framework materials, low-dimensional magnetic solids and photo-switchable molecular magnets, intermetallic Kondo insulators, superconducting oxides, borides, and pnictides, carbon nanotubes, fullerenes and heterofullerenes, and their superconducting and ferromagnetic derivatives.

What's new 


Kosmas Prassides and Keisuke Matsui gave a series of lectures on structural analysis of molecular materials at the Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Keisuke Matsui (PhD student) is visiting the Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia to undertake a collaborative research project with Prof. Denis Arčon for the next three months.

Naoya Yoshikane (PhD student) and three of our Master students - Marina Nishiura, Mizuki Suzuki, and Akane Matsumoto successfully graduated. 

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Keisuke Matsui (PhD student) was presented with an award by the Graduate School of Engineering for his research work on metal intercalated fullerides.

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Keisuke Matsui (D2 student) gave a poster presentation entitled "Electron injection into superconducting fullerides close to the Mott transition boundary" at The 66th Fullerenes-Nanotubes-Graphene General Symposium, held at Nagoya University, Japan.

Naoya Yoshikane (PhD student) completed his Ph. D. defense presentation after submitting his PhD thesis entitled "Mixed-valence Rare-earth Fullerides, RE2.75C60: Coupling of Lattice and Electronic Degrees of Freedom". he is now Dr Naoya Yoshikane. Congratulations.

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Professor Denis Arcon from the Jožef Stefan Institute (Slovenia) visited our Department and gave a colloquium entitled “Azafullerene radical self-assembly and stabilization by encapsulation for molecular qubit networks” 

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Three of our Master students - Marina Nishiura, Mizuki Suzuki, and Akane Matsumoto - gave presentations entitled "Nanosize control of positive and negative lattice elongation in the Prussian Blue analogue Ag3[Co(CN)6]", "Access to new binary and ternary fulleride phases by calcium intercalation", and "Alkali intercalation chemistry of hybrid molecular solids derived from C60 and polyaromatic hydrocarbons", respectively. Presentation of Mizuki Suzuki was awarded as the Department of Materials Science award ― Bronze Medal ― from the department of Materials Science. Conguratulations.  

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Department of Physics, 

Osaka Metropolitan University

Faculity of Engineering